UN Human Rights Experts Tour U.S. Focusing on Racial Justice

April 26, 2023

Experts from an independent panel appointed by the UN human rights council, the Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in the Context of Law Enforcement, began a two-week visit to the US that will focus on racial justice, law enforcement and policing.

The Future of Activism Following The First Universal Proxy Card Contests

April 26, 2023

Posted in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, this article discusses how the mandated use of the universal proxy card has changed the tactical and legal considerations of a proxy contest.

EU warns Rishi Sunak to not Bypass ECtHR

April 26, 2023

European Commission and member state officials have expressed repeated concerns to the U.K. about the Illegal Migration Bill, in particular the pledge to stop small boat crossings of the English Channel, deporting all those entering the U.K. illegally, ignoring the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

Turkey's Islamists Cooperate with Anti-Western Nationalists to Tip Upcoming Elections

April 26, 2023

Operatives from Turkey's ruling Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) are working closely with members of the militant neo-nationalist Aydinlik group and US-sanctioned Russian disinformation experts in a systematic, anti-Western, propaganda campaign aimed at tarring the AKP opposition coalition as puppets of NATO.


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  • Turkey's Islamists Cooperate with Anti-Western Nationalists & Russian Propagandists in Disinformation Campaign to Tip Upcoming Elections

    April 26, 2023

    Operatives from Turkey's ruling Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) are working closely with members of the militant neo-nationalist Aydinlik group and US-sanctioned Russian disinformation experts in a systematic, anti-Western, propaganda campaign aimed at tarring the AKP opposition coalition as puppets of NATO and at fully rupturing Turkey's Transatlantic orientation.

  • Africa's Sahel & Maghreb Regions Are Destabilized as Frontline Conflict Zone for Competing Islamist Militant Groups

    April 24, 2023

    Africa's Sahel and Maghreb regions have become frontline zones of conflict between competing Islamist militant groups, with al-Qaeda Islamic Maghred (AQIM) and Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) engaged on their respective digital platforms in an escalating battle for ideological hegemony in global jihadism, concomitant with an expanding and increasingly violent operational war for territorial dominance in these geopolitical crucial regions of the African Continent.

  • Islamic Jihad Threatens Israel Over Palestinian Prisoner Controversy

    April 24, 2023

    Palestinian Islamic Jihad (IJ) leadership has issued a general threat against Israel within the context of a hunger strike by an imprisoned leader of the Islamist extremist paramilitary group, accusing Israeli authorities of depriving the  PIJ prisoner from "fulfilling his social and national role" among Palestinians since an Israeli security dragnet in the West Bank led to the detention of multiple suspects involved in terrorist activities