NR: Thatcher and Hayek
April 26, 2023
Andrew Stuttaford writing for The National Review explores Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s admiration for Friedrich Hayek and the impact his analysis of socialism had on her mandate.
The Future of Activism Following The First Universal Proxy Card Contests
April 26, 2023
Posted in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, this post discusses how the mandated use of the universal proxy card has changed the tactical and legal considerations of a proxy contest.
Gumbs: Evaluation of the Universal Proxy
March 01, 2023
Keir Gumbs writing in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance explores the background of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s universal proxy rule that took effect last year and offers an early evaluation.
New Activist Campaigns on the Rise Globally
February 21, 2023
According to a new report released by Diligent, the number of companies subjected to new activist campaigns increased by 10.6% in the U.S. and 6% globally in 2022.
New Berkeley Center to Focus on the Intersection of Politics and Economy
February 15, 2023
As politics and economy continue to merge, A new UC Berkeley center funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation will concentrate on this phenomenon bringing together scholars and students of various disciplines to conduct research on critical social challenges at the intersection of politics and economics focusing on capitalism and democracy, environment and climate, technology and inequality.
OECD Seeks Public Input for Updates to Its Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
January 31, 2023
The OECD has launched a public consultation process to gather comments from stakeholders regarding potential changes to its Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises which serves as a reference for companies on how they can ensure responsible conduct.
Peirce and Gramm: SEC Veering from Its Mission
January 25, 2023
Phil Gramm and Hester Peirce argue in the Wall Street Journal that the Security and Exchange Commission is attempting to supercede the market as it seeks to induce private companies to take steps to achieve social goals rather than serve it’s main purpose of combating fraud or encouraging market integrity.
Video: Financial Times Explains Stakeholder Capitalism Roots at Davos
January 19, 2023
FT Moral Money editor Simon Mundy explains in a video stakeholder capitalism, its main role at the World Economic Forum meeting this past week in Davos, Switzerland, and the controversy surrounding this economic philosophy.
Gregg: WEF Agenda is Alarming
January 04, 2023
Samuel Gregg argues that the agenda being pursued by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic has become « sufficiently alarming that anyone who believes in preserving things like liberty, sovereignty, and the decentralization of power should be concerned. »
ISS Benchmark Policy Updates for 2023 Reveal a Woke Agenda
December 26, 2022
The International Shareholder Services (ISS) announced its policy updates for 2023 that will affect U.S. companies, changing numerous policies including board gender diversity, racial equity audits and climate accountability.