Garshfield: « Stakeholder Capitalism » is Not Capitalism
January 18, 2021
Jason Garshfield writing for TownHall, explains the differences between Capitalism and the increasingly popular term, « Stakeholder Capitalism».
National Association of Realtors Bans Hate Speech at Work and Home
January 13, 2021
The National Association of Realtors has revised its professional ethics code for it’s 1.4 million members, banning “hate speech and harassing speech” 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at work, or at home, covering all communication, private and professional, written and spoken, online and off.
The Hill: U.S. DHS Warns of Chinese Government Data Theft
January 09, 2021
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security released an advisory to American businesses that highlights the persistent risk of Chinese government-sponsored data theft due to newly enacted Chinese laws, specifically, the National Intelligence Law of 2017, Data Security Law of 2020, and Cryptology Law of 2020.
Facebook Bans all Political Ad’s after GA Senate Race
January 08, 2021
After Facebook temporarily allowed political advertisements on its platform for Georgia residents during the senatorial run-off elections, the social media giant has reinstated its nationwide ban, encouraging users to post "organically" and run ads that are not related to politics, social issues or elections.
Morningstar.ca Debate: Stakeholder vs. Shareholder Capitalism
January 05, 2021
Independent research analysts with Morningstar debate Stakeholder vs. Shareholder Capitalism arguing for or against based on a 1970 New York Times article written by Milton Friedman.
NYSE Refuses to De-List China TelCo's
January 05, 2021
The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) said it will no longer delist China’s three biggest state-owned telecommunications companies just four days after the Exchange said they would comply with the U.S. executive order barring investments in businesses owned or controlled by the Chinese military.
Rabb: Dangers of Surveillance Capitalism
December 30, 2020
Nick Rabb explains on medium.com the history of « surveillance capitalism » and its potentially harmful effect on society and everyday life.
U.S. DOJ Sues Walmart for Alleged role in Opioid Crisis
December 28, 2020
The US Department of Justice is suing Walmart for fueling America's opioid crisis, accusing that the world's largest retailer violated vetting rules for their pharmacies, including pressuring staff to fill prescriptions as fast as possible and accepting invalid prescriptions.
Bipartisan Coalition of State AG's File a Third Antitrust Lawsuit against Google
December 21, 2020
A bipartisan coalition of state attorneys general's has filed its third government antitrust lawsuit against Google in less than two months, claiming that the company illegally maintained a monopoly in general search and search advertising through anticompetitive conduct and contracts.
Landau: How Big Tech is Affecting Data Privacy
December 17, 2020
Co-director of the Center for Intellectual Property at Georgia State Law, Michael Landau, explores the impact of Covid-19 safety measures on privacy, which created an increased reliance on the internet for school, work and social "gatherings", leaving many online most of the day.