OECD, UN Mark African Tax Cooperation Deal
December 19, 2016
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the UN Development Programme have announced the first "South-South cooperation pact" in their Tax Inspectors Without Borders program, between Botswana and Kenya, under which tax inspectors help countries clamp down on corporate tax avoidance in the developing world.
G4S Sells Israeli Operations in Face of BHR Pressure
December 19, 2016
The nongovernmental organization Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights recounts how security company G4S, following a complaint filed with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) alleging that the use of its surveillance and security equipment in Israel violated the business and human rights (BHR) agenda, sold its Israeli entity.
OECD Report Pushes "Tax Mobilisation" in Asia
December 13, 2016
A report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) examining the proportion of tax revenue to economic activity in Southeast Asian countries finds that "scope remains for increased tax mobilisation" from corporations in the region.
OECD Instrument Closes Tax Treaty "Loopholes"
December 13, 2016
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has announced the conclusion of negotiations over a global convention that will transpose the OECD's corporate tax avoidance measures into over 2,000 tax treaties to prevent the shifting of corporate profits to low-tax jurisdictions.
UN Extracts Corporate Climate Plans at Summit
December 08, 2016
The UN Global Compact and other UN bodies convened a meeting at the recent climate summit in Marrakesh, Morocco, at which they reviewed corporate action plans on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris climate deal reached last year and launched a "solutions platform" to pressure companies to help meet national pledges under the deal.
UN, NGOs Monitor Companies' Climate Action
December 08, 2016
The UN Global Compact and a group of nongovernmental organizations have signed 200 businesses to their Science Based Targets Initiative, under which companies agree to scrutiny of their adherence to "ambitious" targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and in their global supply chains.
OECD, UN Project Expands Corporate Tax Revenue
December 08, 2016
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) outlines how its Tax Inspectors Without Borders project, produced jointly with the UN Development Programme, sends tax experts to developing countries to ensure that multinational corporations are paying their "fair share of tax."
UN Network Creates "Due Diligence" Platform
December 06, 2016
The UN Global Compact Network Germany, with support from the German government, has launched an "info portal" to walk companies through the development of "due diligence processes" aimed to help them implement the global business and human rights agenda in their operations.
UN Presses Businesses on Fulfilling Climate Deal
December 01, 2016
Executive Director of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) Lise Klingo has published an article on how UNGC is pushing businesses, through such activities as its "Pathways to Low-Carbon Development" program persuading companies to help meet national climate pledges under the UN's Paris climate deal, to fulfill the UN's goals on global warming.
NGOs Criticize Canadian OECD Contact Point
November 16, 2016
A group of nongovernmental organizations has criticized Canada's OECD National Contact Point for ineffectiveness in handling complaints against energy and mining companies and has called for the development of an office that can impose mandatory penalties on businesses for violations of global human rights and environmental standards.