Author Laments Corporate “Capture” of Certification Process
August 01, 2019
Author Samanth Subramanian warns that global companies that are exchanging what were once external certification schemes monitoring their global supply chains into in-house compliance mechanisms are moving toward “unfairer trade” and pushing farmers “back towards the exploited miseries of the past.”
Companies Embrace Initiative on Setting Emissions Targets
July 26, 2019
28 companies have announced their adherence to the demands of the UN Global Compact’s Science Based Targets initiative, under which businesses set goals to limit their greenhouse gas emissions to help fulfill the UN’s Paris climate accord.
UN Local Networks Seek Corporate Action on SDGs
July 26, 2019
At a recent review of the “local dimension” of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Executive Director of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) Lise Kingo highlighted the role of the nearly 70 UNGC Local Networks in pushing businesses around the world to embed the SDGs in their operations.
NGO Critiques Phase-in Process of Jewelery Standards
July 25, 2019
A Human Rights Watch press release illustrates the complexities involved in complying with activist demands in adopting standards for business conduct, criticizing the Responsible Jewellery Council for a delayed phase-in of due diligence standards for the diamond industry.
Report Finds Increasing Resort to Climate Litigation
July 24, 2019
A research institute at the London School of Economics has published a report finding that activists are increasingly turning to strategic litigation to force governments and the “highest greenhouse-gas-emitting companies” to reduce emissions to prevent global warming, often using a human-rights basis for their lawsuits.
NGOs File OECD Complaint Against Dutch Bank
July 24, 2019
A coalition of nongovernmental organizations related to the activist group Friends of the Earth has filed a complaint with the Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises accusing Dutch bank ING Group of fueling rights violations by funding three palm-oil companies.
UN, UAE Partner on Business Roundtable on Climate
July 19, 2019
The UN recently partnered with the government of the United Arab Emirates on a roundtable meeting with business, government, and activist organizations on how to achieve a “just transition” to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in compliance with the UN’s Paris climate accord.
Canadian, UK Courts Adopt New Theories on Foreign Suits
July 17, 2019
The Financial Post reports that courts in Canada and the UK are increasingly warming to legal theories permitting them to hold parent companies liable for the alleged human rights violations of their foreign subsidiaries, given a certain level of involvement by the parent in the affairs of the subsidiary.
Refinery Cuts Ties with Artisanal Mines over Due Diligence Costs
July 10, 2019
Signaling industry blowback to “due diligence” initiatives requiring companies to address human rights impacts in their global supply chains, Swiss gold refinery Metalor Technologies has announced it will cease importing gold from artisanal mines due to the cost of tracking impacts of such mining operations.
Facebook Audit Spotlights Alleged Rights Impacts
July 02, 2019
Facebook’s recent update on its civil rights audit, led by a former director of the American Civil Liberties Union, highlights the social-media giant’s broad acceptance that it must report on and address the alleged influence of content on its platform on the global human rights agenda, including through the promulgation of “hate speech.”