Stakeholder Capitalism

  • Report Criticizes Garment Companies’ Efforts Toward “Living Wage”

    June 05, 2019

    Researchers from the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute have published a report alleging that companies in the garment industry are failing to meet pledges to ensure workers in their supply chains receive a “living wage” and criticizing the “outsourcing” of these efforts to external initiatives.

  • UN Network Joins Initiative on Private Sector SDG Action

    June 03, 2019

    As part of its efforts to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN Global Compact has announced that it has joined an initiative called P4G that pushes for public-private partnerships in support of “green growth” and five of the broad targets contained in the SDGs.

  • Dutch Law Requires Corporate “Due Diligence” on Child Labor

    June 03, 2019

    The passage by the Dutch Parliament of a law imposing a duty of “due diligence” on corporations to address child labor in their global supply chains highlights the move by rights activists and governments away from voluntary corporate conduct standards and toward mandatory reporting and other requirements.

  • Unilever Signs Deal with Unions Limiting Temporary Workers

    May 31, 2019

    Raising questions about the impacts of such global labor rights commitments on the workforce, consumer products company Unilever has signed an agreement with two global unions to restrict the use of temporary workers in its factories and to engage in “human rights due diligence.”

  • Nestlé Shares How It Trains Employees in Human Rights

    May 31, 2019

    As part of the food and beverage company’s collaboration with the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Nestlé has publicly shared its employee training on human rights issues for use by other companies.

  • H&M Publishes Details of Every Clothing Supplier

    May 31, 2019

    Under pressure from nongovernmental organizations that wish to ramp up their scrutiny of human rights impacts in global apparel supply chains, fashion company H&M has agreed to publicly list the suppliers of every garment it sells, and now faces calls to list even more information, including the wages paid by its suppliers.

  • Dutch Body Finds Global Rules for Climate Action by Banks

    May 30, 2019

    In April, according to the activist organization Oxfam, the Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises found these Guidelines require banks to set climate goals for their financial services, including by divesting from fossil fuel projects, to help fulfill the UN’s Paris climate accord.

  • UK Seeks “Duty of Care” for Online Content

    May 30, 2019

    In April, the UK government announced it would seek to impose a “legal duty of care” on internet companies to ensure the “safety” of people who use their platforms and to establish an independent office to regulate a broad variety of online content, including incitement, cyberbullying, and disinformation.

  • Belt and Road Countries Promote UN Business Principles

    May 29, 2019

    Leaders of 40 countries issued a statement at a recent forum on China’s massive Belt and Road infrastructure development initiative pledging to respect the principles of the UN Global Compact corporate network and push businesses participating in the initiative to contribute to the fulfillment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Dutch NCP Alleges Failings in Broad Review of Energy Sector

    May 08, 2019

    In its first-ever “sector scan” of companies operating in the Dutch energy industry, the Dutch National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises alleged that these businesses are failing to adhere to global human rights and environmental standards and calls for government “consequences” for reporting failures.

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