Stakeholder Capitalism

  • OECD Meeting Ramps up Global Tax Framework

    July 14, 2016

    A meeting of over 80 countries and jurisdictions organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Kyoto, Japan, has inaugurated the OECD's "inclusive" global tax framework to counter the ability of corporations to avoid taxation by shifting their revenue to low-tax jurisdictions.

  • Companies Sign on to UN Initiative on Emissions Reduction

    July 12, 2016

    As the UN and NGOs ramp up pressure on corporations to help implement the UN climate deal and Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact has announced that 168 companies have made commitments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as part of the UNGC's Science Based Targets Initiative.

  • UN Influences CEOs with BHR, Sustainability Agendas

    July 11, 2016

    The UN Global Compact has produced a study with consulting company Accenture that seems to demonstrate the broad impact of the UN and nongovernmental organizations on the willingness of corporate CEOs to support the global sustainability and business and human rights agendas.

  • UNGC Initiative Targets Companies on SDGs

    July 11, 2016

    At its 2016 Leaders Summit, the UN Global Compact launched an initiative to pressure companies around the world to offer their support to achieving the implementation of the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030.

  • US NCP Monitors Hotel Mediation Agreement

    July 11, 2016

    The US National Contact Point under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises has announced its monitoring of a mediation agreement between Starwood Hotels & Resorts and a federation of trade unions complaining about the right to collective bargaining at hotels in Maldives and Ethiopia.

  • UNGC Outlines Work Toward "Sustainability"

    June 29, 2016

    The UN Global Compact has published a report on how it will leverage its work toward the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other global business standards to promote the achievement of the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030.

  • UN Network Launches BHR Guidance in Accounting

    June 20, 2016

    Two accountant trade organizations and the UN's Global Compact Network UK have released guidance for accountants on how to embed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in their investment management and other work for companies.

  • New UN Platform Pressures Companies on Sustainability

    June 10, 2016

    A new initiative created by the UN Global Compact and UK corporation Volans called the Breakthrough Innovation Platform will pressure companies to develop new business models, including through the use of "big data," to help implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030.

  • MEPs Seek Strict Business Taxation Rules

    June 02, 2016

    Members of the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee have voted to approve new rules that would require compliance with OECD rules on the taxation of multinational corporate profits and would impose stricter limits on tax exemptions for revenues companies move into the EU.

  • Canada, China, and India Sign OECD Tax Agreement

    May 20, 2016

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has announced that six new countries, including Canada, China, and India, have joined 33 others in signing an international agreement that promotes the automatic sharing of multinational corporations' tax information among jurisdictions around the world.

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