Marriott Faces Peruvian OECD Complaint over Hotel Construction
January 16, 2019
A group of Indigenous people in Peru has filed a complaint against Marriott with the Peruvian National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises alleging rights violations related to the hotel chain’s destruction of an Inca temple and unauthorized excavations surrounding a planned hotel site.
FIFA Weighs in on Bahrainian Extradition Case
January 16, 2019
Under pressure from activist groups, on the basis of the organization’s human rights policy, to intervene in the case of a Bahrainian soccer player detained in Thailand for extradition to his home country, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) has called for relevant authorities to permit the player’s return to Australia.
UK Court Rejects Claim Against Mining Subsidiary
January 16, 2019
Expatica reports that a UK court determined claimants had not established the liability of a subsidiary of a company headquartered in Britain for alleged police violence related to its mining operations in Sierra Leone, in a potential blow to future lawsuits seeking redress in Western legal systems for alleged rights abuse in developing countries.
Airbnb Faces Blowback over Ban of West Bank Settlement Listings
January 11, 2019
Forbes reports that online rental company Airbnb is facing investigations and lawsuits following its decision to ban from its website listings for properties in Israeli settlements in the disputed West Bank territory.
UN Body Ramps up Pressure on Companies to Set Emissions Targets
January 08, 2019
The UN Global Compact has called on businesses to aspire to “a new level of ambition” in setting their “science-based targets” for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in pursuit of the global climate change agenda and called for all corporate climate action to comply with the UN’s “sustainability” and human rights goals.
Microsoft Seeks Government, Business Action on Facial Recognition
January 04, 2019
President of Microsoft Brad Smith writes that governments must impose regulations on the development of facial-recognition technology, warning that the technology could “exacerbate societal issues,” and announces that his company is launching a framework of principles on facial recognition that could be applied across the tech industry.
OECD, UN, World Bank Push G20 on Green Investments
December 19, 2018
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the UN Environment Programme, and the World Bank have released a statement calling on leaders of Group of 20 (G20) countries to support a “radical shift” of global investments into “climate-resilient infrastructure” that helps achieve the UN’s Paris climate accord.
ILO, EU, OECD Launch Asian Corporate Responsibility Initiative
December 13, 2018
The International Labour Organization (ILO), EU, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have launched a three-year initiative pushing for companies operating or engaging with suppliers in six Asian countries to comply with global social and environmental standards.
UN Report Seeks Rights-Centered Corporate SDG Strategies
December 13, 2018
The UN Global Compact has published a report explaining how companies around the world must “adopt a principles-based approach that places human rights at the centre of their strategy” to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including through human rights “risk assessments” and supporting rights throughout their supply chains.
UN Official Warns of Global Warming as Human Rights Threat
December 12, 2018
Reflecting long-standing calls from nongovernmental organizations to jumpstart the corporate “climate action” agenda by linking it to human rights and sustainable development, UN Global Compact Executive Director Lise Kingo identifies global warming as a “new man-made threat” to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.