Google Accounts for Human Rights Agenda in AI Principles
July 25, 2018
Under pressure from an activist community increasingly calling for a human rights focus in the development of artificial-intelligence (AI) technologies, tech giant Google has developed a set of AI principles restricting the use of this technology to contravene “widely accepted principles of international law and human rights.”
Businesses Join AI Global Governance Initiative
June 20, 2018
NS Tech reports that the Big Innovation Centre, a British think tank, has launched an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Global Governance Initiative with government stakeholders and businesses including IBM and KPMG with the aim of guiding global policy on AI development.
UK Official Places Onus on Companies to Protect Children Online
June 07, 2018
UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has threatened social-media companies with new regulations if they fail to engage in self-regulation protecting child rights online, including by "cutting underage use, preventing cyber bullying, and promoting healthy screen time," arguing companies must not force parents to make the choice to cut off their children from online "social interaction."
OECD-ILO Report Calls for Stronger Labor Movement
May 23, 2018
As part of their partnership promoting "decent work" across the globe, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have produced a report calling for better labor relations to make economic growth "more inclusive" and pressure employers to provide for fair working conditions.
Study Calls for Taxation to Achieve UN Health Targets
May 23, 2018
IP Watch reports that a recent study published in The Lancet Journal pushes for increased taxes on sugary drinks, alcohol, and tobacco around the world to help combat non-communicable diseases and achieve health targets contained in the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals.
Colombian Court Requires Action on Rainforest, Climate
May 22, 2018
The Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia recently ruled that the country's government must take action to combat deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, citing the country's international commitments and asserting that the rainforest is an "entity subject of rights."
Unions File OECD Complaint in Brazilian Dam Collapse
May 22, 2018
Global union federation IndustriALL has filed a complaint with the National Contact Points of Brazil, Australia, and the UK for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises claiming extractives companies BHP Billiton and Vale violated labor rights and failed to conduct due diligence to prevent and remedy the fatal collapse of a dam in Brazil in 2015.
OECD Corporate Tax Treaty Comes Online
May 09, 2018
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has announced that its multilateral convention on preventing corporate avoidance of taxation through "base erosion and profit shifting" by modifying pre-existing bilateral tax treaties will enter into force in July after its ratification by Slovenia.
Citigroup Pushes Business Clients on Gun Restrictions
May 09, 2018
The New York Times reports that, in response to broad pressure on corporations to take action against gun violence in the wake of the recent mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, banking giant Citigroup has announced it will require business clients who sell guns to halt firearm sales to customers who have not passed background checks or who are younger than 21.
YouTube Bans Promotion of Firearm Sales
May 08, 2018
The New York Times reports that, after the recent mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, online video platform YouTube announced it would remove videos promoting the construction or sale of firearms and their accessories.