New Zealand NCP Receives Housing Repair Company Complaint
July 23, 2014
OECD Watch reports that a nongovernmental organization has filed a complaint against New Zealand's National Contact Point ("NCP") for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises against a company for its delay in repairing houses following a set of damaging earthquakes in the country.
UN Forms Business Steering Group on Rule of Law
July 11, 2014
UN Global Compact has announced the members of its steering group on "Business for the Rule of Law," which will place pressure on global businesses to abide by and promote the rule of law in their operations.
UN Holds "Caring for Climate" Summit in China
July 11, 2014
The UN Global Compact recently hosted a conference in Beijing with representatives from the UN, governments, and businesses to promote the adoption of green energy policies by companies and governments and to educate young people in China on the dangers of global warming.
UN Meeting Pushes Businesses to Promote Sustainability Agenda
July 11, 2014
At a recent meeting of the UN Global Compact and entities associated with UN principles on investment and management education, the UN Secretary-General and others called for businesses to promote the international agenda on climate change and "sustainable" corporate practices.
NCPs Discuss Duties of Finance of Extractives Sector
July 11, 2014
A group of National Contact Points ("NCPs") for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises recently joined a meeting at which they discussed the application of the Guidelines to financial industries with investments in the extractive sector.
UN Global Compact Releases "Africa Strategy"
June 19, 2014
The UN Global Compact has released its strategy to promote "corporate sustainability" in Africa as it seeks to bind businesses operating on the continent to internationally developed norms on social, environmental, and ethical issues.
U.K. NCP Examines Complaint on Security Firm Activities
June 19, 2014
The U.K.'s National Contact Point ("NCP") for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises has accepted for further examination parts of a complaint accusing a security firm of financing security equipment used to violate the human rights of Palestinians.