Australian Network Pushes for BHR Action Plan
August 10, 2016
The UN Global Compact's Australian network and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade recently hosted a series of roundtables in the country seeking to advance business support for the creation of a "national action plan" under which the Australian government and businesses would implement the UN business and human rights agenda.
UN Global Compact Launches Philippines Network
August 03, 2016
The UN Global Compact's launch of a local network in the Philippines and support for the publication of the "Philippines Vision 2040," which sets out how the country plans to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals, underscores the focus of the global organization on pressuring local businesses and officials to help fulfill the UN's sustainability agenda.
OECD Highlights Progress on Global Tax Standards
July 27, 2016
With the latest reports from the organization's Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, the OECD has reviewed practices from 101 jurisdictions and claims progress in preventing corporate tax avoidance through the implementation of its global standards on the exchange of tax information.
Japanese NCP Accepts Power Plant Complaint
July 26, 2016
Japan's National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises has accepted a complaint supported by activist organizations Greenpeace Indonesia and Friends of the Earth Japan calling, in part, on an energy company to perform human rights and environmental "due diligence" prior to constructing a power plant in Indonesia.
US Seeks Ramped-up Business Humanitarian Funding
July 22, 2016
The White House, with a number of US corporations, has launched a Partnership for Refugees that pushes businesses to increase their financial and other humanitarian assistance to refugees around the world.
UNGC, Business Group Sign Deal on SDGs
July 20, 2016
The UN Global Compact and the International Chamber of Commerce have signed a memorandum of understanding pledging to work together to secure business participation in fulfilling the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals.
UNGC Builds Framework to Achieve "Sustainability"
July 14, 2016
An update from UN Global Compact Executive Director Lise Kingo following the recent UNGC Leaders Summit demonstrates the comprehensive commitment of the UN agency, from actions within its local networks to its newly launched program "Making Global Goals Local Business," to pressure companies to help fulfill the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
OECD Meeting Ramps up Global Tax Framework
July 14, 2016
A meeting of over 80 countries and jurisdictions organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Kyoto, Japan, has inaugurated the OECD's "inclusive" global tax framework to counter the ability of corporations to avoid taxation by shifting their revenue to low-tax jurisdictions.
Companies Sign on to UN Initiative on Emissions Reduction
July 12, 2016
As the UN and NGOs ramp up pressure on corporations to help implement the UN climate deal and Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact has announced that 168 companies have made commitments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as part of the UNGC's Science Based Targets Initiative.
UN Influences CEOs with BHR, Sustainability Agendas
July 11, 2016
The UN Global Compact has produced a study with consulting company Accenture that seems to demonstrate the broad impact of the UN and nongovernmental organizations on the willingness of corporate CEOs to support the global sustainability and business and human rights agendas.