UN Forum Calls on Business to Implement SDGs
October 08, 2015
At the UN Global Compact's recent Private Sector Forum, UN, government, and business representatives discussed how companies around the world should implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs") through a combination of economic, social, and environmental policies.
UNGC Seeks Business Action on Refugee Crisis
September 23, 2015
The UN Global Compact ("UNGC") has called on businesses to provide support to refugees fleeing the Middle East and North Africa both through financial contributions and "core business operations," including hiring practices, supply chain management, and development of products for refugees.
G20 Adopts OECD Corporate Governance Standards
September 09, 2015
The Group of 20 ("G20") set of countries has adopted principles on corporate governance developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") that include such issues as financial disclosure, executive remuneration, and actions of institutional investors.
UN Issues Business-Cooperation Guidelines
August 31, 2015
The UN has issued revised guidelines requiring transparency from businesses in their partnerships with UN entities, to be furthered primarily by the international organization's Global Compact.
UN Group: Pope's Climate Encyclical Should Spur Business Action
August 14, 2015
The UN Global Compact has written a letter to Pope Francis arguing that his recent encyclical on climate change should inspire businesses to implement the global environment agenda and calling for the Pope to call on businesses in an upcoming speech "to do more to care for our climate and our common home."
UN Development Document Pushes "Responsible" Investment
July 29, 2015
The UN Global Compact ("UNGC") reports that the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the outcome document from a recent UN global development conference, recognizes the role of the UNGC in pressuring companies to adopt global standards for "responsible business and investing."
OECD Panel Pushes Corporate Climate Reporting
July 29, 2015
David Wynn of the consultancy Greenstone reports that a recent panel in Paris hosted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") pushed corporate reporting standards for greenhouse gas emissions but also indicated the difficulty corporations face as countries and organizations issue a "plethora" of competing reporting standards.
NGO Praises G7 for Corporate Grievance Mechanism Support
July 29, 2015
A statement from the nongovernmental organization OECD Watch applauds a declaration from the G7 group of countries to bolster their National Contact Points ("NCPs"), which serve as mechanisms that accept complaints on alleged corporate deviations from global standards, and calls for further strengthening of NCPs to pursue action against businesses.
UN Pushes Standards in Real Estate Sector
July 15, 2015
The UN Global Compact and the accreditation body the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors have released a guide for companies to advance responsible practices in the area of land, construction, and real estate operations and investments.
UN Global Compact Considers Impact on Businesses
July 14, 2015
At its recent 15th anniversary event, the UN Global Compact celebrated the pressure it has placed on businesses to adopt the UN social, environmental, and governance agenda and looked forward to pushing companies to ensure that their operations comply with the global "sustainability" movement.