Stakeholder Capitalism

  • UN, UAE Partner on Business Roundtable on Climate

    July 19, 2019

    The UN recently partnered with the government of the United Arab Emirates on a roundtable meeting with business, government, and activist organizations on how to achieve a “just transition” to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in compliance with the UN’s Paris climate accord.

  • UN Series Focuses on National Action on SDGs

    June 26, 2019

    The UN Global Compact has announced a series of events seeking to push national governments to work with the private sector in achieving the comprehensive social and economic targets contained in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • UN, NGOs Call for Substantial Carbon Emission Reductions

    June 19, 2019

    A coalition including the UN Global Compact network of companies committed to the “sustainable development” agenda has issued a press release aiming to avoid the “catastrophic consequences” of climate change by calling on businesses to set “science-based” targets for the reduction of their greenhouse gas emissions.

  • NGO Criticizes OECD Contact Points for Limiting Remedies

    June 19, 2019

    The nongovernmental organization OECD Watch has issued a report concluding that National Contact Points (NCPs) set up under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises have not been fulfilling their role in granting remedies to alleged victims of corporate abuse and calls for a revision of the Guidelines to boost the remedial function of NCPs.

  • OECD Celebrates Global Initiative Identifying Targets for Taxation

    June 12, 2019

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has issued a press release lauding its Automatic Exchange of Information initiative for providing an “impressive” level of transparency on global assets “that can now be effectively taxed by authorities worldwide.”

  • G7 Ministers Pledge Promotion of “Responsible Business Conduct”

    June 12, 2019

    Labor and employment ministers from G7 countries and the EU Commissioner for employment have issued a communiqué that includes a pledge to promote “responsible business conduct” in global supply chains and strengthen National Contact Points for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

  • UN Initiative Calls for Corporate Action on “Ocean Health”

    June 05, 2019

    The UN Global Compact business network has published a report calling on companies to address “the rapid deterioration of ocean health” by implementing international ocean regulations in keeping with the comprehensive UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Governments Agree Roadmap for Corporate Tax Negotiation

    June 05, 2019

    Countries involved with the OECD and G20’s Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) have agreed a roadmap for the negotiation of a global deal aimed at ensuring that multinational companies pay a minimum level of tax.

  • UN Network Joins Initiative on Private Sector SDG Action

    June 03, 2019

    As part of its efforts to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN Global Compact has announced that it has joined an initiative called P4G that pushes for public-private partnerships in support of “green growth” and five of the broad targets contained in the SDGs.

  • Dutch Body Finds Global Rules for Climate Action by Banks

    May 30, 2019

    In April, according to the activist organization Oxfam, the Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises found these Guidelines require banks to set climate goals for their financial services, including by divesting from fossil fuel projects, to help fulfill the UN’s Paris climate accord.

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