Stakeholder Capitalism

  • MIT Launches Data Privacy-Focused Initiative

    April 28, 2021

    As citizens are demanding more responsible, respectful use of personal data, MIT has launched a new initiative to bring state-of-the-art computer science research together with public policy expertise and engagement and will provide forums for dialogue amongst MIT researchers, policymakers, and industry consortium members.

  • Will Data Privacy Become a Competitive Differentiator?

    April 21, 2021

    As Data privacy legislation and consumer demands have changed the rules of digital marketing, brands that embrace transparent data privacy practices stand to gain a massive competitive advantage.

  • The U.S. - China Race for A.I. Dominance

    April 14, 2021

    As China positions itself to become the world leader in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) over the United States, Lucas Irwin writing for suggests a reasearch scheme called “Thousand And One Talents”, that would be run as a joint initiative between America and its allies, to maintain a Western alternative in A.I.

  • Experts Suggest New Laws to Combat Surveillance Capitalism

    March 31, 2021

    A panel of academics met recently at the South by Southwest conference to discuss how laws addressing surveillance capitalism, in particular how much data can be collected, should be established in order to protect Americans.

  • MIT Sloan Conference: Social Justice and Technology

    March 31, 2021

    Human rights experts meeting at a MIT Sloan Tech conference discussed technological advances and the responsibility companies have to discover the human rights implications of their work.

  • Facebook Goes After Apple in Privacy Battle

    March 01, 2021

    Facebook has published ads in three major newspapers, accusing Apple of attacking small businesses and the open internet, taking it’s fight public against Apple’s new App Tracking Transparency (ATT), which requires apps to request permission before tracking users.

  • Samuel Gregg: The Origins of Stakeholder Capitalism

    March 01, 2021

    Samuel Gregg’s essay published in explains how the new term « stakeholder capitalism » is born out much older theories and goes in depth to explain its potential to limit freedom.

  • Swiss Info: Who Controls the Freedom of Expression?

    February 10, 2021

    Renat Kuenzi writing for Swiss Info explores the question of who controls the freedom of expression and the future of democracy after several social media companies silenced former U.S. President Donald Trump’s accounts last month.

  • The Star: McKinsey’s Opioid Scandal and Stakeholder Capitalism

    February 08, 2021

    Joel Bakan writing in The Toronto Star uses the example of McKinsey’s opioid scandal to highlight hypocrisies within corporations that espouse shareholder capitalism yet continue to promote unethical actions.

  • Changes in Store for Employers Under Biden Administration

    February 03, 2021 has published a comprehensive report of President Biden’s many proposals that will affect employers, including changes to the federal minimum wage, immigration policies, worker classification and other labor laws.

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