Cooper: Expansion of Business Purpose Reflects Move Toward "Stakeholder Capitalism"
September 16, 2019
In light of recent steps two global business groups have taken to expand the acknowledged purpose of businesses beyond increasing shareholder value, Kate Cooper describes “stakeholder capitalism” as "a recognition that every link in the chain that creates and provides goods or services, whether individual or collective, must be appropriately and fairly rewarded."
Schneider: China's Dominance Over 5G Has Profound National Security Implications
September 06, 2019
In a new paper, Hudson Institute's, William Schneider, Jr., explains how China's dominance over the 5G communications system will produce national security-sensitive intelligence relating to the large and growing faction of the world's day-to-day life of individuals, objects, and institutions that will be stored with an electronic footprint.
Economist Encourages Multilateral Solution to Taxation of Digital Services
September 04, 2019
In a commentary on the shortcomings of France's Digital Services Tax ("DST") on large tech companies, economist Joyce Beebe urges the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD") to "generate a solution that is less distortionary and prevents the unilateral measures from expanding."
Nevins: CEOs Should Assume Responsibility for Responsible Business Practices
August 29, 2019
In light of the Business Roundtable's new definition of the purpose of a company, Mark Nevins warns against a move toward the politics and policies of "collective capitalism," instead calling upon CEOs "to ensure that profitability is achieved in a good, responsible, accountable, and ethical manner and with the best possible outcomes for all stakeholders."
Business Roundtable Redefines Purpose of a Corporation
August 20, 2019
Abandoning the long-standing principle of shareholder primacy, the Business Roundtable has released a new Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation, signed by 181 CEOs "who commit to lead their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders."
Global Governance Advocates Prepare for G-7 Summit
August 19, 2019
The Global Governance Project has produced for distribution at the upcoming G-7 Biarritz Summit a book containing progressive commentary, dialogue and calls to action “offering solutions to the challenges that threaten fair, equitable growth and development.”
NGOs Target Overseas Finance by Export Credit Agencies
August 07, 2019
The Bankwatch Network has published a blog entry calling for greater government oversight of export credit agencies, which the NGO coalition warns are stepping into spaces left by global development banks by facilitating investments in infrastructure projects in “politically volatile countries.”
Academics Find State Duty to Regulate Labor in Supply Chains
August 07, 2019
A group of professors from Australian universities has published research on mandatory corporate forced-labor reporting schemes recently passed by such countries as Australia and the UK concluding that public authorities “cannot entirely outsource” their duties to regulate human rights in global supply chains.
Analytics CEO Pushes for Global Water Governance
August 01, 2019
Elizabeth Taylor, the CEO of water data analytics company WaterLoom, characterizes the global governance of water as “the ideal case study” to prepare for cooperation on combating climate change and, for this purpose, pushes for more international data exchanges on water and the integration of water systems.
“Call to Action” Seeks SDG Cooperation Between EU, Industry
August 01, 2019
Nongovernmental organization CSR Europe is touting its role in a CEO "call to action" pushing the newly selected heads of EU institutions to work with European businesses to fulfill the comprehensive social and environmental targets contained in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).