Surveillance Capitalism

  • EU Parliament Approves Law on “Unfair” Food Supply Practices

    March 13, 2019

    The European Parliament has approved a proposal to ban a set of “unfair trading practices” in the European food supply chain, targeting large retailers and other companies accused by EU member states of unilaterally imposing certain conditions on supply agreements.

  • UK Supermarket Chain Discloses Tea, Coffee Suppliers

    March 07, 2019

    British supermarket chain Marks & Spencer has disclosed its tea and coffee suppliers in response to pressure for supply-chain transparency from nongovernmental organizations attempting to impose a responsibility on large companies to ensure workers receiving “living wages” throughout their complex, global supply chains.

  • NGOs Criticize H&M Investors for Supply-Chain Labor Standards

    March 07, 2019

    Two nongovernmental organizations have published a study criticizing Nordic banks with shares in H&M for not placing financial pressure on the apparel company to ensure the workers in its clothing supply chain receive a “living wage.”

  • Church Investors Pressure Companies on Social, Climate Policies

    March 07, 2019

    The BBC reports that a faith-oriented pension-fund membership organization called the Church Investors Group is pressuring companies to reform their social and environmental policies on issues including gender equality, tax and wage transparency, and climate action.

  • Critics of UK “Gender Pay Gap” Reporting Call for Sanctions

    March 07, 2019

    The Guardian reports that the alleged failures of businesses to accurately report, as required by UK law, the difference in pay between male and female employees are spurring politicians and nongovernmental organizations to call for stricter reporting requirements and sanctioning of employers.

  • NGO Targets Agricultural Suppliers on Social, Environmental Impacts

    March 07, 2019

    As part of the activist organization’s Behind the Brands Implementation Initiative, Oxfam has identified several agricultural companies it alleges are not implementing the global human rights and environmental agendas in line with the commitments of the food and beverage companies for which they serve as suppliers.

  • Activists Seek Judicial Validation of Global Climate Movement

    March 05, 2019

    Umair Irfan of Vox has published an article surveying the global climate litigation movement, which seeks to persuade courts that fossil fuel companies must pay for the future harms caused by their alleged contributions to global warming, and whose critics argue that these lawsuits “hinge on radical, unprecedented expansions of existing laws.”

  • Supermarket Works with Oxfam on “Due Diligence” Policy

    March 04, 2019

    A press release from Oxfam’s Dutch arm applauds, with some reservations, Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heijn for working with the activist organization to form a “human rights and due diligence policy” recognizing that the company is “part of the problem” in not ensuring an appropriate income and conditions for workers in its supply chain.

  • Australian Company Responds to Pressure on Coal Output

    March 04, 2019

    The Sydney Morning Herald reports that, in response to pressure from activist shareholders, Australia’s largest coal mining company Glencore has announced a cap in its global output of coal to help meet global pledges under the UN’s Paris climate accord.

  • OECD Calls on Turkey to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    February 22, 2019

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published an Environmental Performance Review calling on the Turkish government to ramp up investments in renewable energy and to remove tax and other incentives for the use of fossil fuels in line with the UN’s Paris climate agreement.

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