Surveillance Capitalism

  • Spanish, EU Banks Partner on Credit Lines for Green Projects

    February 13, 2019

    Spanish financial services company CaixaBank has partnered with the European Investment Bank to extend credit lines totaling up to €30 million for projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the UN’s Paris climate agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.

  • US States Ramp up Commitments to UN Climate Agenda

    February 11, 2019

    The New York Times reports that the launch of US House of Representatives Member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal plan is highlighting the pursuit of ambitious climate initiatives by political leaders in US states aiming to sidestep federal policy by implementing the UN’s Paris climate accord.

  • “Green New Deal” Echoes UN Social, Environmental Wishlist

    February 07, 2019

    A nonbinding resolution for a “Green New Deal” published today by Member of the US House of Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and US Senator Ed Markey echoes the UN’s “sustainable development” agenda in its call for “10-year national mobilizations” aimed at eliminating the use of fossil fuels and guaranteeing job benefits for every American.

  • NGO Accuses Booking Companies of Violations of Palestinian Rights

    February 06, 2019

    Amnesty International has accused online booking companies AirBnb and TripAdvisor of contributing to Israeli human rights violations and “war crimes” by facilitating the reservation of accommodations on land the nongovernmental organization says Israeli settlers “stole” from Palestinians.

  • UN Develops SDG Funding Strategy with Italian Bank

    February 06, 2019

    The UN Development Programme has agreed with Italian investment bank Cassa depositi e prestiti to consider joint initiatives through which the bank can contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as UN institutions seek $2.5 trillion in additional annual funding for the SDGs.

  • WHO Board Seeks UN Meeting on Universal Health Coverage

    February 06, 2019

    The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Executive Board has agreed to the language of a resolution to be submitted to the UN General Assembly calling for a high-level meeting this fall to discuss how to secure “universal health coverage” across the globe - including by considering new policies on drug research and pricing.

  • US Judge Dismisses Lawsuit on Chocolate Supply Chains

    February 06, 2019

    Reuters reports that a federal US judge has dismissed two class action lawsuits targeting companies Nestle and Hershey with claims of false advertising over the companies’ failure to disclose on their food and drink labels the use of child and forced labor in their African supply chains.

  • EC Applauds Companies' Response to “Hate Speech”

    February 05, 2019

    Fortune reports that the European Commission (EC) is applauding the response of internet companies to EU pressure, through a code of conduct backed up by the threat of regulation, to crack down on “illegal hate speech” on their platforms by evaluating increasing levels of “suspect content” within 24 hours of users reporting it.

  • NGO Calls on Development Institutions to Push for Rights Protection

    February 05, 2019

    Asmara Klein of the Natural Resource Governance Institute echoes the calls by advocates of the business and human rights agenda for lenders to use their leverage to press for rights protection in an article pushing international financial institutions to condition their loans on government respect for civil and political rights.

  • EU Agency Proposes Broad Ban on Microplastics

    February 05, 2019

    The Guardian reports that the European Chemicals Agency has proposed EU legislation banning microplastics that manufacturers intentionally add to products - representing about 90 percent of such microplastic pollutants.

Total Records: 791
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