Surveillance Capitalism

  • Finance Companies Support EU Transaction Tax

    August 23, 2017

    A press release from Oxfam celebrates a letter from 52 finance professionals calling for a group of EU member states to impose a "small" tax - deemed a "Robin Hood Tax" by Oxfam - on financial transactions to raise "substantial revenue" for people "in urgent need" throughout Europe and elsewhere in the world.

  • Environmentalists Criticize Australian Bank's Climate Statement

    August 23, 2017

    The Guardian reports that environmental activists have criticized Commonwealth Bank, the largest bank in Australia, for failing to include in its recent climate statement, committing to the 2015 Paris deal on global warming, sufficient specificity on how it will divest from fossil fuel assets and work toward achieving the agreement's objectives.

  • Dutch Board Censures Companies over Energy Ad

    August 23, 2017

    The Dutch Advertising Code Authority has ruled that fossil fuel giants Shell and Exxon misled the public by claiming in advertisements that natural gas was the “cleanest fossil fuel,” based on the Board’s conclusion that natural gas causes damage to the environment.

  • Dutch Gold Producers Sign Due Diligence Pledge

    August 21, 2017

    The Dutch Government and a group of electronics manufacturers and jewelry makers have signed an International Responsible Business Conduct Agreement "to ensure greater respect for human rights, the environment and biodiversity" across the businesses' global supply chains through human rights and environmental "due diligence" procedures.

  • NGOs Focus on Corporate Pressure to Advance Initiatives

    August 21, 2017

    An article from Alex Farrow of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations in the UK illustrates the strategy of a broad array of activist organizations to place pressure on large corporations to take "voluntary" actions to help advance their global human rights and equality initiatives.

  • Consultant Shares Best Practices on Trafficking Prevention

    August 17, 2017

    An article by Richard Welford of the nongovernmental organization CSR Asia contains best practices, including through "human rights risks assessments" and reporting policies, for companies to pursue to rid their global supply chains of forced labor.

  • NGO Releases Global Guide on Treatment of Migrant Workers

    August 17, 2017

    The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility has released a global guide providing best practices on corporate treatment of migrant workers in line with the global human rights agenda.

  • Investment Adviser Bolsters Climate Risk Analysis

    August 17, 2017

    CNBC reports that, as the UN and environmental activists target investors to place pressure on companies to mitigate their climate impacts, investor advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services has purchased a "climate change data analytics" company to help screen their clients' portfolios for risks related to global warming.

  • UN, IOC Agree SDG Partnership

    August 16, 2017

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has announced a new partnership between the UN and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) with the aim of using sports to help draw attention to and fulfill the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Companies Support US Proposal for "Carbon Tax"

    August 15, 2017

    The New York Times reports that, showing global activist and UN pressure on companies to embrace policies combating climate change, a group of large energy companies has announced its support of a proposal by former US cabinet officials to impose a federal US tax on greenhouse gas emissions and redistribute the proceeds to citizens as a "carbon dividend."

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