• Germany Launches Monitoring of BHR Due Diligence

    September 05, 2018

    The German government has launched a three-year monitoring process to find whether German businesses are engaging in “human rights due diligence” measures as envisioned in the country’s business and human rights (BHR) action plan and to determine the need for mandatory BHR-oriented legislative measures.

  • Researcher: Colombia Must Move to Binding BHR Commitments

    August 30, 2018

    Germán Zarama of the Institute for Human Rights and Business argues that, while Colombia has gone far in implementing the global agenda on business and human rights (BHR) through the country’s BHR action plan, it should go further by turning “voluntary” initiatives into binding BHR commitments for businesses operating in the country.

  • NGOs Call First Asian BHR Action Plan an “Embarrassment”

    August 29, 2018

    A group of nongovernmental organizations has published an open letter calling Thailand’s recently released National Action Plan on fulfilling the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (BHR) - the first in Asia - an “embarrassment” due to its failure to rely for its content on the advice of NGOs and UN human rights mandate holders.

  • Academic Seeks BHR Implementation in Investment Agreements

    August 15, 2018

    Professor Surya Deva of the City University of Hong Kong writes that governments must ensure their international investment agreements comply with the business and human rights (BHR) and “sustainable development” agenda by conducting impact assessments, setting out BHR obligations of investors, and facilitating legal claims by alleged victims of BHR violations.

  • Academic: Binding Treaty Draft Strikes Balance on BHR Obligations

    August 08, 2018

    Professor Doug Cassel of the University of Notre Dame School of Law writes that an intergovernmental working group draft of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) “zeroes in on what victims need most” by committing countries to requiring BHR due diligence while “avoiding the imposition of unreasonable obligations on business.”

  • NGO Calls for Corporate SDG Action to Prioritize BHR Agenda

    August 03, 2018

    A report from nongovernmental organization Shift provides examples of companies prioritizing the business and human rights (BHR) agenda in their strategies to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), showing businesses how they must properly meld the UN’s BHR and SDG agendas into a comprehensive course of action.

  • NGOs Call for EU Support of Binding BHR Treaty Talks

    August 03, 2018

    A group of nongovernmental organizations has published an open letter calling on EU institutions and members to cease their “obstruction” of the intergovernmental negotiation of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) and participate in the formation of a treaty that, among other things, creates an international mechanism to deal with BHR cases.

  • Swiss Council Approves BHR Due Diligence, Liability Proposal

    August 03, 2018

    The European Coalition for Corporate Justice has applauded the Swiss National Council for approving a proposal to impose mandatory human rights due diligence obligations and parent company liability on large Swiss businesses in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR).

  • NGOs Criticizes BHR Treaty Draft for Lack of Enforcement

    August 03, 2018

    An article on Telesur illustrates the opposition by activist organizations to an intergovernmental working group’s recent draft text of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) for failing to create a strong enforcement mechanism at the international level that would hold companies to account for BHR violations.

  • UN Group Publishes Draft Text of Binding BHR Treaty

    August 01, 2018

    The UN Working Group charged with developing a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) has published a draft instrument requiring states to hold businesses liable for BHR violations in their transnational activities and to mandate corporate due diligence regarding BHR impacts in business operations and supply chains.

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