• Facebook Announces New Corporate Human Rights Policy

    April 14, 2021

    Facebook has announced a new corporate human rights policy, covering all of the social network and a fund to support human rights defenders that will strive to respect human rights as defined in international law, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

  • Facebook Sets New Corporate Human Rights Policy

    March 23, 2021

    Facebook has enacted a corporate human rights policy and will begin reporting critical human rights issues, such as risks to freedom of expression, to its board of directors, and will release an annual public report detailing how it is addressing human rights concerns stemming from its business practices, policies or products.

  • Bigman: Stakeholder Capitalism’s Forgotten Stakeholder

    March 12, 2021

    Dan Bigman writes in chiefexecutive.net that as companies increasingly embrace ESG, the push for improving environmental, social and governance practices on the road to Stakeholder Capitalism, CEO’s and boards should remember to pitch in and help their smaller, privately held suppliers who are often left behind in the push for improvement.

  • MEPs Support Requiring Firms to Comply with ESG Standards

    March 08, 2021

    The EU Parliament’s legislative initiative on ‘Due Diligence and Corporate Accountability’ will be put to a vote and if passed will require companies to identify and remedy risks to human rights, health, the environment arising from their activities throughout their supply chain.

  • Google will Stop Tracking to Sell Ads

    March 08, 2021

    As consumers increasingly call for more privacy online, Google, in a move that will change the digital advertising industry, will stop selling ads based on a person's individual browsing across websites. 

  • CSPI Study: Academic Freedom in Crisis

    March 03, 2021

    The Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology (CSPI) published a study by Eric Kaufmann whose findings highlight that academic freedom is in danger, with certain groups within academia facing punishment, political discrimination, and self-censorship for their political leanings.

  • Rosenzweig: Surveillance Technology and the Rule of Law

    February 17, 2021

    Paul Rosenzweig of The George Washington University Law School explores a fundamental quandary the U.S. is facing when considering Surveillance Technology and the Rule of Law, including the challenges of balancing the security of the United States and its citizens with individual privacy and civil liberties.

  • Parler Sues Amazon After Suspension

    January 11, 2021

    Social media company Parler has sued Amazon and asked to be reinstated online, alleging that its suspension from Amazon's hosting service violated antitrust law and breached the companies' contractual arrangement.

  • CBS: Texas and Nine Other U.S. States Sue Google

    December 17, 2020

    Joining the U.S. Justice Department's October lawsuit against Google, Texas, backed by nine other states, filed a lawsuit against the company, accusing the tech giant of breaking antitrust law in how it runs its online advertising business.

  • Cohen: Win for Free Speech at Cambridge University

    December 11, 2020

    Nick Cohen writes in The Spectator that, by rejecting a University proposal to require "respect" for the viewpoints of others, rather than "toleration," Cambridge Academics have won a victory for free speech.

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