• UN Body Calls on UK to Tighten BHR Liability

    July 18, 2016

    Dr. Nadia Bernaz of Middlesex University School of Law describes an unprecedented report from the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights calling on the UK to establish, as part of its national action plan to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, legal liability for corporations violating the BHR agenda in foreign countries.

  • Lawyer Warns of Broad BHR Treaty Process

    July 13, 2016

    Sara McBrearty of King & Spalding writes that the disenchantment of activists with immediate implementation of the global business and human rights agenda under the UN Guiding Principles on BHR has led to the launch of an open-ended negotiation over the development of a binding BHR treaty that could result in a flawed instrument without precedent in international law.

  • NGO Pressures Germany on Access to BHR Remedies

    July 13, 2016

    Arguing that Germany has a "poor legal framework" that fails to permit alleged overseas victims of human rights violations to sue German corporations, Philipp Wesche of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs calls on German officials to increase access to such remedies in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

  • EU Council Seeks Progress on BHR Remedies

    July 12, 2016

    The Council of the EU has issued a document reviewing its progress to date on advancing the UN's business and human rights agenda, including through pressure on EU member states to develop comprehensive BHR action plans, and calling for an EU-wide BHR action plan to further access to remedy for alleged victims of human rights violations.

  • UNHRC Resolution Pushes BHR Accountability

    July 06, 2016

    The UN Human Rights Council has adopted a resolution calling on governments to review and lower legal barriers preventing alleged victims from seeking a remedy from corporations for violations of global business and human rights standards.

  • UN Report Targets Brazil on BHR

    July 01, 2016

    The UN Working Group on business and human rights issues recently presented a report to the UN Human Rights Council warning of problems in Brazil on BHR issues, including "improper corporate lobbying and political financing," and calling for the country to develop a national BHR action plan.

  • UNGPs Move from "Soft" to "Hard" Law

    June 30, 2016

    Consultant Anna Triponel highlights how the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are shifting from "soft" international norms to "hard" domestic law by advising companies to interpret the reach of the UK Modern Slavery Act in their supply chains according to the provisions of the UNGPs.

  • Lawyer Promotes UN Contracts Treaty as BHR Vehicle

    June 29, 2016

    In a recent speech, Stéphane Brabant of Herbert Smith Freehills advocated the incorporation of business and human rights principles in the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in order to advance the inclusion of human rights responsibility in corporate supply-chain agreements.

  • Paper Pushes OAS Work Toward BHR Treaty

    June 29, 2016

    A document from the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights calls on the Organization of American States' General Assembly to adopt a resolution mandating that every country in the region participate in the development of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights.

  • Attorney Praises Growing Influence of UNGPs

    June 28, 2016

    Sarah Altschuller of Foley Hoag LLP surveys the progress of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and governments' adoption and consideration of national BHR action plans in influencing the conduct of businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises, in the past five years.

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