• OAS Considers Implementation of BHR Agenda

    October 29, 2015

    Executive Director of the Due Process of Law Foundation Katya Salazar discusses a special session held by the Permanent Council of the Organization of the American States ("OAS") on the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda and calls for the OAS to focus more attention on implementing the agenda, especially in the extractive industry.

  • Researchers Seek Development of NAPs in Africa, Asia

    October 28, 2015

    A group of African and Asian researchers have published a submission to the UN Working Group on business and human rights ("BHR") issues discussing how best to "embed" national action plans ("NAPs") on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on BHR in the policies of countries in these regions.

  • Norway Launches BHR Action Plan

    October 27, 2015

    The Government of Norway has announced its launch of a national action plan on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") by government officials and businesses in the country.

  • IBA Holds BHR Discussions at Conference

    October 16, 2015

    At its annual conference in Vienna, the International Bar Association ("IBA") held two panels on the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, the first on the role of attorneys in implementing BHR principles and the second on advancing these principles in practice.

  • Paper Considers "Regulatory Ecosystem" to Advance BHR

    October 09, 2015

    In a recent paper, Dr. Jolyon Ford of the Australian National University considers how a "regulatory ecosystem" of voluntary and mandatory measures might advance the business and human rights ("BHR") agenda over the next ten years to the extent that it will become grounded in public law and international human rights law.

  • NGO Criticizes Development Goals on Lack of BHR Push

    October 07, 2015

    The European Coalition for Corporate Justice has expressed disappointment in the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), a set of development targets for the year 2030, for not doing enough to advance the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda and improve corporate accountability for alleged human rights violations.

  • EU Party Group Pushes for BHR Treaty

    October 02, 2015

    The Socialists and Democrats ("S&D") party grouping of the European Parliament recently held a seminar in Brussels discussing next steps in advancing a legally binding UN treaty on business and human rights ("BHR").

  • NGOs Seek BHR Measures at Development Summit

    October 02, 2015

    A group of nongovernmental organizations recently signed a petition calling for governments gathering to adopt the UN Sustainable Development Goals to also agree to a binding business and human rights ("BHR") treaty and to "transform" the financial system to fight climate change.

  • UN Working Group Seeks Tracking of BHR Initiatives

    September 30, 2015

    The UN Working Group on business and human rights ("BHR") issues has issued a report calling for a concerted effort to track government and corporate progress in implementing the UN's BHR agenda, including by using existing environmental and social measurement tools and by linking such measurement to the UN's new Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Article Highlights BHR Litigation Dangers

    September 23, 2015

    An article published by the law firm Littler Mendelson explains how litigants in Canadian courts are using the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") and other BHR-related standards to which companies have agreed to adhere as evidence of an applicable "standard of care" in negligence claims.

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