UN Agent Calls for Corporate Natural Resources Treaty
July 08, 2015
UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of freedom of peaceful assembly and association Maina Kiai has called for the development of a binding international treaty to advance the UN business and human rights agenda among all companies, regardless of size, in the natural resources sector.
AI Pushes Participation in BHR Treaty Process
July 07, 2015
On the eve of the first session of a UN working group developing a binding treaty on business and human rights ("BHR"), Amnesty International ("AI") has called on all countries to participate in the creation of a broad, binding treaty that addresses "gaps" in the current framework of the UN Guiding Principles on BHR.
Paper: Failed Treaty Process Would Advance BHR Movement
July 07, 2015
A paper published by the Coalition for Peace and Ethics argues that, even though the process of developing a binding business and human rights ("BHR") treaty will likely fail, it is still useful for advocates of the UN's BHR agenda in advancing a "coherent structure" for BHR governance.
Asia-Pacific NGOs Demand Broad BHR Treaty
July 06, 2015
A group of Asia-Pacific nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") has released a series of "demands" for provisions to be included in a legally binding business and human rights ("BHR") treaty, including corporate financial disclosure and a prohibition of "complicity" between businesses and governments.
Activist Questions Quality of BHR Indicators
July 06, 2015
Demonstrating the difficulty of measuring "progress" in corporate implementation of the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, BHR adviser Damiano de Felice writes that indicators developed to quantify such progress are sometimes inaccurate and can hinder the advancement of the BHR agenda.
Indonesia Develops Action Plan on BHR Agenda
July 06, 2015
The Jakarta Post reports that Indonesia's National Commission for Human Rights is developing a national action plan to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR"), including requiring companies to protect the environment and preserve local traditions in operating areas.
NGO Releases Global BHR Indicators
July 01, 2015
Demonstrating the complex interaction of requirements among business and human rights ("BHR") instruments, the Danish Institute for Human Rights has published its Human Rights Indicators for Business, an evolving set of standards it says companies should use to implement global BHR requirements.
Switzerland Adopts CSR Action Plan
July 01, 2015
As pressure builds from Swiss nongovernmental organizations for a national action plan on the UN's business and human rights agenda, the Swiss Government has published a plan outlining its commitment to corporate social responsibility ("CSR") standards.
NGOs Push Remedies for BHR Violations
July 01, 2015
Two nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") that push for global recognition of the UN business and human rights ("BHR") agenda are forming a joint project calling for countries to eliminate barriers to judicial and nonjudicial remedies for alleged victims of BHR violations.
NGO: Corporate Lawyers Need Human Rights Expertise
June 26, 2015
As a growing number of law organizations promote a duty of attorneys to push the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, Lise Smit of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law writes that corporate lawyers must develop the knowledge to advise their clients on human rights due diligence.