NGO Publishes Draft BHR Arbitration Rules
July 24, 2019
The Center for International Legal Cooperation has produced a set of draft arbitration rules with the aim of facilitating arbitration processes based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR) to address alleged corporate violations of human rights.
Shareholders Turn to Disclosure Rules to Force Climate Action
July 17, 2019
The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre’s most recent bulletin on corporate legal accountability focuses on the growing, global movement among shareholders to file lawsuits accusing companies of providing false or misleading information about the threats climate change poses to their operations.
Paper Demands “Gender-Responsive” Implementation of UNGPs
July 10, 2019
The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights has published a paper explains how companies must incorporate “gender-responsive human rights due diligence” processes in their implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
NGO Pushes Businesses Deploying AI to Prevent Rights Violations
July 01, 2019
Dunstan Allison-Hope and Michaela Lee of the nongovernmental organization BSR write that the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR) require companies deploying artificial intelligence (AI), and not just companies developing it, to address their BHR impacts relating to privacy and discrimination.
Consultant: Lawyers Must Clearly Define BHR Obligations
June 26, 2019
Yousuf Aftab of human rights strategy firm Enodo Rights argues that, if judges are to objectively determine corporate liability for human rights violations, lawyers must do a better job of defining specific corporate obligations arising from the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR).
Researchers Highlight Rise of Shareholder Climate Litigation
June 26, 2019
Researchers from the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre have published a blog post describing a range of legal strategies employed by shareholders seeking to force corporations to report on or address their impacts on global warming or the impacts of global warming on their business.
NGO Briefing Catalogs Arguments from Climate Litigation
June 26, 2019
The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has published an overview of legal arguments plaintiffs have used in lawsuits claiming companies have violated their obligations to limit contributions to global warming.
NGOs Tour Europe to Support Global BHR Treaty
June 26, 2019
An article by International Union for Conservation of Nature describing a European tour of African and Asian nongovernmental organizations in support of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) highlights the pressure NGOs are placing on European governments to back the development of a global, legal BHR framework.
Network Pushes for “Multistakeholder Collaboration” on BHR Issues
June 19, 2019
GBI, a network of corporations that pledge to respect the global business and human rights (BHR) agenda, has published a call for companies to engage in “multistakeholder collaboration,” including with nongovernmental organizations, to address BHR problems.
Swiss Parliament Debates Responsible Business Initiative
June 19, 2019
Swissinfo reports on a standoff between the upper and lower houses of the Swiss Parliament over a Responsible Business Initiative that would impose legal liability on Swiss businesses for alleged human rights and environmental impacts in other countries.