NGOs Seek Broad Australian Labor Reporting Law
December 06, 2017
A coalition of nongovernmental organizations recently contributed to a public consultation on an Australian proposal for a corporate reporting requirement on forced labor, calling for a broad requirement for businesses to report on their efforts to rid their supply chains of "modern slavery" and file these reports in a publicly accessible database.
UK NGOs Criticize Corporate Forced Labor Reporting
December 01, 2017
The UK CORE Coalition of civil society organizations has published a rating of British companies' compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act, which requires businesses to report on their efforts to eliminate forced labor from their supply chains, criticizing what it deems to be low compliance with the reporting requirements and calling for more transparency.
Guidance Seeks "Assurance" of UNGPs Implementation
November 28, 2017
As part of their UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework project, nongovernmental organization Shift and auditor Mazars have published guidance on how companies should provide "independent assurance" to investors and other parties on their progress in implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
Organizations Collaborate on Corporate Reporting Efforts
November 28, 2017
In September, the Global Reporting Initiative and the Principles for Responsible Investment signed a collaboration agreement promoting joint efforts "to align corporate sustainability reporting with investor expectations" as part of the work of both organizations to advance the global "sustainable development" agenda.
NGOs Seek Canadian Corporate "Due Diligence" Rules
November 27, 2017
In September, the nongovernmental organizations International Corporate Accountability Roundtable and Above Ground hosted an Ottawa symposium pushing for regulations requiring corporations to perform "human rights due diligence" for their overseas operations and to guarantee access to remedy for alleged rights victims.
EU Rules Require "Due Diligence" on Conflict Minerals
November 20, 2017
Attorneys from DLA Piper review a set of EU rules, which enter into force in the year 2021, requiring companies that import certain "conflict minerals" from war-torn areas of Africa to embed "due diligence" procedures in their supply chains to prevent human rights abuses and to publicly report on their progress.
NGO Seeks Reporting on Customs Data in EU
November 15, 2017
The nongovernmental organization Finnwatch has published a paper calling on EU authorities to force national governments to publicize customs information on products imported into the bloc to assist human rights activists in spotlighting alleged rights abuses in the supply chains of European companies.
European Investors Adopt "Sustainability" Reporting
October 25, 2017
In an interview with Flavia Micilotta of Eurosif, a "pan-European sustainable and responsible investment membership organization," the Global Reporting Initiative highlights how an expanding network of European investors is adopting its agenda of corporate "sustainability" reporting.
NGO Criticizes "Voluntary" Australian Reporting Proposal
October 16, 2017
Komala Ramachandra of Human Rights Watch criticizes an Australian proposal for legislation requiring reporting by businesses on forced labor in their supply chains as insufficient, asserting that the law must include penalties for noncompliance, require "due diligence" on eliminating labor rights violations, and allow those who allege such violations access to Australian courts.
Commentary: US Should Quit UNHRC over "Blacklist"
October 11, 2017
Benjamin Weinthal of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies writes that the US and other "morally-principled countries" should withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) if the body proceeds with publishing a database of all companies doing business in Israeli settlements, asserting that the database is part of a global, anti-Semitic boycott movement.