Exxon Leaves ALEC After Clash over Climate Rules
August 02, 2018
The Hill reports that, following pressure from environmental activist groups and a clash over a proposed policy on federal greenhouse gas emissions regulations, energy giant Exxon Mobil has announced that it is following several other large US corporations in withdrawing from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
Bodies Issue Guidelines on Corporate Reporting for SDG Finance
August 02, 2018
At the recent Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Business Forum, the Global Reporting Initiative, Principles for Responsible Investment, and the UN Global Compact published global recommendations on how corporate reporting can help expand private investment in the UN’s comprehensive social and environmental SDG targets.
Irish Legislation Requires National Fossil Fuel Divestment
August 01, 2018
The Guardian reports that, in line with the growing global movement for divestment from fossil fuels, the lower house of the Irish parliament has passed legislation requiring the country’s national investment fund to sell its investments in companies with substantial revenue from oil, gas, coal, and peat extraction or refinement “as soon as is practicable.”
Sustainable Palm Oil Group Suspends Nestle
July 31, 2018
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, an industry group that places pressure on businesses to meet a broad range of environmental and social criteria in their palm oil supply chains, has suspended food company Nestle from its ranks over its failure to report on its progress and to pay membership fees.
GRI: Governments Must Monitor Business SDG Contributions
July 30, 2018
An article from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) examines national reports on progress toward achieving the comprehensive UN social and environmental targets contained in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and encourages governments to pay special attention to the contributions of businesses to the SDGs.
Google Partners with UN on Monitoring SDG Progress
July 30, 2018
NDTV reports that tech giant Google has agreed with the UN Environmental Programme to develop a platform enabling the public, through satellite and other technology, to track government and industry progress toward achieving environmental targets under the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Sovereign Funds Push Companies to Consider Climate Risks
July 30, 2018
A group of six sovereign wealth funds, organized under an initiative established at the recent One Planet Summit in Paris, has announced that they will only invest in companies that consider risks related to climate change in their long-term strategies and account for the need to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to fulfill the UN’s Paris climate deal.
Initiative Seeks Investor Support for Fossil Fuel Divestment
July 30, 2018
According to the UN-supported initiative Climate Action 100+, the growing number of investor signatories to the initiative, aimed at placing pressure on “systemically important greenhouse gas emitters” to reduce their climate impacts, demonstrates the budding commitment by the financial industry to help fulfill the UN’s Paris climate deal.
ISO Standard Aims for Global Emissions Reduction
July 26, 2018
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has released a global standard aiming to help fulfill the UN’s Paris climate agreement and Sustainable Development Goals by providing a common framework for governments and businesses to consider policies for greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
Academic Questions Global Impact of “Social Bonds”
July 26, 2018
Professor David Kinley of Sydney University writes that, while “social bonds, which seek to encourage investment in “socially responsible” activity, are making an impact on global bond markets, they have so far failed to realize a substantial “halo effect” that leads to “sustainable” investing in other areas of these markets.