• Lawyers Praise French BHR "Vigilance" Penalties

    January 02, 2018

    Stéphane Brabant and Elsa Savourey of the law firm Herbert Smith Freehills write that, while the elements of a French law creating a civil action for alleged victims of business and human rights (BHR) violations by French companies remain relatively weak, its penalties on companies for failing to monitor BHR violations of their subsidiaries could serve as an effective deterrent.

  • IOC Renews Gender Equality Deal with UN Agency

    December 29, 2017

    In its renewal of an agreement with UN Women, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has accepted a responsibility to "empower" women through sports and to promote "women’s leadership and gender equality in the sport industry" around the world, as part of the IOC's implementation of the global business and human rights agenda.

  • Organizations Tout Global Standards on Climate Impact

    December 28, 2017

    The International Organization for Standardization and the International Accreditation Forum held a side event at the recent UN climate summit in Bonn, Germany, discussing how global standards from these groups are guiding businesses and other organizations on reducing their environmental impacts and combating global warming.

  • NGO Releases 2017 "Conflict Minerals" Rankings

    December 21, 2017

    In November, the Enough Project released its 2017 Conflict Minerals Company Rankings as part of its campaign to force technology and jewelry companies to ramp up their "due diligence" efforts to ensure their supply chains are free from so-called "conflict minerals" produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • BHR "Benchmarking" Sparks Corporate Pushback

    December 21, 2017

    Lawyers from Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP examine a broad array of business and human rights (BHR) "benchmarking" initiatives in civil society and raise potential problems related to such initiatives, such as arbitrary ranking processes and inconsistencies in the consideration of reported data, that make these projects targets for corporate pushback in the near future.

  • NGOs Push EU to Require Corporate "Diligence" on Rights

    December 21, 2017

    In November, the European Coalition for Corporate Justice released a briefing identifying a legal obligation of EU institutions to adopt legislation providing for mandatory "human rights due diligence" rules requiring companies to investigate and redress human rights violations throughout their global supply chains.

  • UN Publishes "Green Finance" Guide for Stock Exchanges

    December 21, 2017

    The UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative has released a Green Finance Action Plan as a "benchmarking tool" to guide stock exchanges around the world on how to pressure associated companies to divert their investments into projects that will help achieve the UN's "sustainable development" agenda.

  • ISO Releases Guidance on "Sustainable Procurement"

    December 19, 2017

    An article from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) outlines the ISO's guidance on "sustainable procurement," which provides a strategy for organizations around the world to embed "sustainability principles" into their procurement processes and to encourage the production of "environmentally friendly" products throughout supply chains.

  • NGO Demands "Tax Haven" Blacklist, Corporate Reporting

    December 19, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has released a briefing paper calling on governments to avoid future tax scandals like the recent leak of the "Paradise Papers" showing corporate and individual tax avoidance by establishing a global blacklist of low-tax jurisdictions, a "global tax body" to provide for reforms, and a country-by-country corporate tax reporting scheme.

  • Philippines Investigates Fossil Fuel Companies for Climate Change

    December 14, 2017

    The Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines is conducting the world’s first “national inquiry into the responsibility of the fossil fuel industry for the human rights impacts resulting from climate change hits,” with major companies such as ExxonMobil, Shell, and BP facing investigation in the wake of the deadly typhoon Yolanda, attributed by some to climate change.

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