• Major Global Investors Push Companies on Climate Policy

    December 14, 2017

    A group of 225 major investors, who together control over $26 trillion in assets, have joined the Climate Action 100+ initiative, whose goal is to systematically engage 100 of the world’s top greenhouse gas emitting companies and push them to reduce emissions throughout their supply chains and begin releasing climate-related financial disclosures.

  • Environment Ministers Issue Anti-pollution Declaration

    December 14, 2017

    Member-state environment ministers issued a first-ever declaration at a meeting of the UN Environment Assembly, pledging to combat pollution via a variety of strategies, including by “moving societies towards sustainable lifestyles based on a circular economy [and] promoting fiscal incentives to move markets.”

  • Companies Increasingly Adopt Climate-Related Disclosure Guidelines

    December 14, 2017

    237 companies worldwide have declared their support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, which has developed a set of voluntary recommendations for companies to disclose information relevant to the future effects of climate change on financial investments.

  • Paper Seeks Canadian Push on Climate Disclosures

    December 08, 2017

    A policy brief published by the Centre for International Governance Innovation calls on Canadian authorities to implement the recommendations of the G-20 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures by requiring companies to include global warming-related risks in their financial disclosures.

  • NGOs Push for Global Corporate Labor Standard

    December 07, 2017

    Representatives of the International Trade Union Confederation and Business & Human Rights Resource Centre are calling for governments to coordinate on developing a global, "harmonised, high standard for national legislations" requiring companies to rid their complex supply chains of forced labor, based on the International Labour Organization's Protocol on Forced Labour.

  • French Bank Pulls Funding from Oil, Gas Projects

    December 07, 2017

    Bloomberg reports that French bank BNP Paribas has promised to stop financing companies whose main business is shale and oil sands projects, as well as oil and gas projects in the Arctic region, as part of its efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions and fulfill the UN's agenda against climate change.

  • NGOs Seek Broad Australian Labor Reporting Law

    December 06, 2017

    A coalition of nongovernmental organizations recently contributed to a public consultation on an Australian proposal for a corporate reporting requirement on forced labor, calling for a broad requirement for businesses to report on their efforts to rid their supply chains of "modern slavery" and file these reports in a publicly accessible database.

  • UK NGOs Criticize Corporate Forced Labor Reporting

    December 01, 2017

    The UK CORE Coalition of civil society organizations has published a rating of British companies' compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act, which requires businesses to report on their efforts to eliminate forced labor from their supply chains, criticizing what it deems to be low compliance with the reporting requirements and calling for more transparency.

  • Guidance Seeks "Assurance" of UNGPs Implementation

    November 28, 2017

    As part of their UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework project, nongovernmental organization Shift and auditor Mazars have published guidance on how companies should provide "independent assurance" to investors and other parties on their progress in implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

  • Organizations Collaborate on Corporate Reporting Efforts

    November 28, 2017

    In September, the Global Reporting Initiative and the Principles for Responsible Investment signed a collaboration agreement promoting joint efforts "to align corporate sustainability reporting with investor expectations" as part of the work of both organizations to advance the global "sustainable development" agenda.

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