MEPs Develop Comprehensive EU Product Reporting Proposals
July 15, 2015
The Guardian reports that a group of Members of the European Parliament ("MEPs") have developed a proposal for requirements, by the year 2019, for industries across the bloc to report on the environmental footprint of all their products, as officials seek to create "binding targets on resource efficiency."
Denmark Transposes EU Reporting Requirements
July 15, 2015
The Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") has announced that the Danish Government is the first to transpose the EU corporate non-financial reporting directive, which requires companies to report on their social and environmental impacts, into national law, and has applauded Denmark for permitting businesses to issue their reports using GRI guidelines.
GRI Highlights BHR Principles in Reporting Standards
July 15, 2015
Demonstrating the symbiotic relationship between the UN and civil society on the business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, the Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") has published a press release indicating how it has integrated the UN Guiding Principles on BHR ("BHR") in the reporting standards it issues for companies around the world.
US Pushes Sustainability Agenda with GRI
July 15, 2015
The US State Department and the Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") recently hosted a roundtable session seeking to place pressure on companies to adopt the UN sustainability agenda and to promote consideration of social and environmental issues in company supply chains.
Business Leaders Support Reporting on UN Empowerment Principles
July 14, 2015
UN Women reports that one thousand business leaders have expressed support for the entity's Women's Empowerment Principles, which include a principle requiring benchmarks and reporting on gender equality and inclusion in corporate operations.
Article Indicates Difficulty of Conflict Minerals Compliance
July 09, 2015
Journalist Hailey Lynne McKeefry writes that technology companies, which are investigating their African supply chains to fulfill their legal responsibilities to report on their use of "conflict minerals" under the US Dodd-Frank Act, are finding it more difficult to comply with the regulation than expected.
GRI Pushes Sustainability Reporting Through Stock Exchanges
July 08, 2015
The Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") recently partnered with the BSE (formerly the Bombay Stock Exchange) to host an event for business leaders in Mumbai calling for stock exchanges to promote the reporting of nonfinancial environmental and social information by businesses.
Dutch Bank Joins BHR Reporting Framework
July 07, 2015
The UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, an initiative of nongovernmental organization Shift and consultancy Mazars that pushes companies to report on their implementation of the UN business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, has announced that Dutch bank ABN AMRO is the first bank to join the framework.
CIGI Seeks Standardized Financial Risk Disclosure on Climate
June 10, 2015
The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published a report calling for the standardization of a financial disclosure regime under which companies would be required to disclose investment risks caused by global warming.
GRI Prioritizes Global Sustainability Agenda
June 10, 2015
The Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") has announced that it will center its strategy on working with national governments and corporations to push reporting by businesses on their implementation of the international sustainability agenda.