• Lundin Petroleum Produces Sustainability Report

    June 10, 2016

    Swedish oil and gas company Lundin Petroleum has published its first annual Sustainability Report under the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative to demonstrate how it is working to implement the UN's social and environmental agenda.

  • Activist Seeks State Action on Supply Chain Labor

    June 09, 2016

    Labor activist Claire Falconer writes that governments relying on a business-centered reporting system on forced work in their supply chains are shirking their duties to protect against labor exploitation and should produce regulations requiring businesses to respond to such problems.

  • GRI Conference Pushes Human Rights Reporting

    June 09, 2016

    At its 5th Global Conference, the Global Reporting Initiative hosted a discussion linking the UN's sustainability agenda and corporate human rights reporting standards and agreed to partner with the Danish Institute on Human Rights to push for national action plans on the UN's business and human rights agenda that include human rights and sustainability reporting.

  • Companies Face Complex Array of Reporting Policies

    June 09, 2016

    A report released by the UN Environment Programme, KPMG International, the Global Reporting Initiative, and the Centre for Corporate Governance in Africa shows the expanding effect of the encouragement of corporate reporting policies around the world but highlights the difficulties of businesses in navigating a complex array of competing reporting standards.

  • GRI Conference Focuses on Business Climate Data

    June 09, 2016

    At a recent conference hosted by the Global Reporting Initiative, speakers called for a new global framework pushing comprehensive corporate disclosure of risks associated with moving away from greenhouse gas emissions and countering climate change.

  • EU Council Adopts Tax Reporting Rules

    June 09, 2016

    The EU's European Council has adopted rules proposed by the European Commission to require multinational companies to report their financial information on a country-by-country basis and mandating the automatic exchange of this information by EU member states in order to clamp down on corporate tax avoidance.

  • UNGC, GRI Sign Renewed Partnership on Sustainability

    June 09, 2016

    The UN Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative have signed a renewed memorandum of understanding that focuses on partnership between the organizations on pushing companies within their networks to implement and report their progress in advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Airline Association: Emissions Tax Will Cost Customers

    June 08, 2016

    International Air Transportation Association Director General Tony Tyler has confirmed that consumers will have to bear the costs of a decision the UN's International Civil Aviation Organization will likely make this fall to seek a tax on airlines to offset the greenhouse gas emissions of their airplanes.

  • GRI Creates Digital Reporting Platform

    June 06, 2016

    Seeking to provide an integrated system through which researchers can analyze the reporting of companies on their implementation of the UN's social and environmental goals, the Global Reporting Initiative has launched an initiative called the Digital Reporting Alliance that will form a platform for companies to file digital "sustainability" reports.

  • GRI Pressures Businesses on Array of SDG Promotion

    June 03, 2016

    At a plenary of the Global Reporting Initiative's Global Conference, speakers called on businesses and governments to support a vast array of initiatives to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the global business and human rights agenda.

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