Committee Drafts International Standard on Security Providers
July 11, 2014
The International Organization for Standardization has created a new "Project Committee" to develop a set of standards it will push private security providers to follow with regard to human rights and humanitarian law.
NGO Criticizes Conflict Minerals Reporting as Insufficient
July 10, 2014
As U.S. companies release their first legally required reports on the use of "conflict minerals" from war-torn areas in Africa in their products, the nongovernmental organization ("NGO") Global Witness has complained that these reports do not sufficiently assess companies' use of these minerals.
Unilever Commits to International BHR Standards
June 23, 2014
Consumer goods company Unilever has announced that it will report on its progress in implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") in its operations and that it will produce impact assessments reviewing activities in its supply chain.
ECCJ Seeks Stricter Corporate Reporting Requirements
June 20, 2014
Despite praising the EU non-financial reporting directive as a "significant step" toward requiring business human rights and environmental reporting, the European Coalition for Corporate Justice ("ECCJ") indicates the EU and member states should tighten requirements on businesses to report on these issues.
LSEG Joins UN Sustainability Initiative
June 19, 2014
The London Stock Exchange Group ("LSEG") has announced that it will join the UN Sustainable Stock Exchange initiative, which seeks "sustainable" investment opportunities and corporate reporting on environmental, social, and corporate governance issues.