Business & Human Rights

  • Economist Encourages Multilateral Solution to Taxation of Digital Services

    September 04, 2019

    In a commentary on the shortcomings of France's Digital Services Tax ("DST") on large tech companies, economist Joyce Beebe urges the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD") to "generate a solution that is less distortionary and prevents the unilateral measures from expanding."

  • NSF Awards Seek to Combine STEM with UN Development Goals

    September 03, 2019

    The National Science Foundation (“NSF”) has awarded a grant to Wittenberg University and other colleges to create a Science Technology Engineering and Math (“STEM”) Business curriculum featuring the UN Sustainable Development goals, resulting in a curriculum “that seeks to co-address poverty, equity issues, and environmental challenges, while supporting a thriving economy.”

  • Nevins: CEOs Should Assume Responsibility for Responsible Business Practices

    August 29, 2019

    In light of the Business Roundtable's new definition of the purpose of a company, Mark Nevins warns against a move toward the politics and policies of "collective capitalism," instead calling upon CEOs "to ensure that profitability is achieved in a good, responsible, accountable, and ethical manner and with the best possible outcomes for all stakeholders."

  • Sustainable Development Solutions Network Highlights Plan for Implementing SDGs

    August 28, 2019

    A recent report, titled “Six Transformations to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goal’s” lays out an integrated framework for implementing the SDGs.

  • Mars, Incorporated Sweetens OECD-led G7 Business for Inclusive Growth Coalition

    August 28, 2019

    Mars, Incorporated has joined the G-7 Business for Inclusive Growth (“G7 B4IG”) an OECD-coordinated business coalition seeking to tackle inequality by building on synergies among companies, governments and philanthropic organizations.

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