Business & Human Rights

  • GRI Studies Impacts of Corporate Reporting on SDGs

    July 26, 2019

    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is partnering with global power company Enel to study how business reporting on their contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can encourage them to embrace the SDGs’ comprehensive social and environmental targets in their operations.

  • WHO Regional Office Issues Warning on Baby-Food Marketing

    July 26, 2019

    The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe has published two new studies arguing that companies are “incorrectly marketing” baby foods that are high in sugar to infants under the age of 6 months in violation of WHO standards seeking to prevent “diet-related noncommunicable diseases.”

  • UNESCO Releases Books on Gender Inequality in Media

    July 26, 2019

    The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has released two books as “advocacy tools” seeking to combat “gender inequality in the structures and decision-making in media and Internet companies, and in media content.”

  • UN Hosts Development Cooperation Meeting for SDGs

    July 25, 2019

    The UN Development Programme organized a Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation meeting on the sidelines of a recent UN High-Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aiming to push “shared responsibility” among businesses, NGOs, and governments to fulfill the comprehensive SDGs.

  • UN Platforms Push Businesses to Adopt “Green” Agenda

    July 25, 2019

    The UN Environment Programme and its partners are pushing businesses to ensure their operations comply with the UN’s environmental agenda by launching a Green Industry Platform and Green Finance Platform that will serve as hubs for data and guidance on environmentally friendly corporate standards and finance.

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