Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Critiques Phase-in Process of Jewellery Standards

    July 25, 2019

    A Human Rights Watch press release illustrates the complexities involved in complying with activist demands in adopting standards for business conduct, criticizing the Responsible Jewellery Council for a delayed phase-in of due diligence standards for the diamond industry.

  • Paper Seeks Pressure on Small Businesses for “Sustainability”

    July 25, 2019

    Sarah Burch of the Centre for International Governance Innovation has published a paper calling for the Canadian government to put pressure on small businesses to “foster sustainability” in their operations to help achieve the goals of the UN’s Paris climate accord.

  • Paper Calls for WTO Round on Digital Regulation

    July 25, 2019

    Dan Ciuriak of the Centre for International Governance Innovation has called for a new World Trade Organization (WTO) digital round to establish a multilateral framework governing such technological developments as cross-border data flows and security issues in the digitized economy.

  • ISO, UN Develop Urban Sustainability Standard

    July 25, 2019

    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is working with UN-Habitat on an international standard for “urban resilience,” seeking to push city leaders around the world to help fulfill the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and adjust to the future impacts of global warming.

  • NGO Seeks Investor Support for BHR in Renewable Energy

    July 25, 2019

    The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has produced a briefing calling on investors to pressure renewable-energy companies in which they invest to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (BHR) in their operations, including by performing due diligence to address their rights impacts.

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