PwC: The CEO’s ESG dilemma
January 25, 2023
A recent PwC survey highlights the predicament facing CEO’s as a large majority of global investors placed ESG-related outcomes among their top five priorities for business to deliver but 81% would accept only a 1 percentage point or smaller reduction in returns to advance ESG objectives.
Gramm and Peirce: SEC's Attempt to Supplant the Market
January 20, 2023
Phil Gramm and Hester Peirce argue in the Wall Street Journal that the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) is attempting to supplant the market as it seeks to induce private companies to take steps to achieve social goals rather than serve it’s main purpose of combating fraud or encouraging market integrity.
Video: Financial Times Explains Stakeholder Capitalism Roots at Davos
January 19, 2023
FT Moral Money editor Simon Mundy explains in a video stakeholder capitalism, its main role at the World Economic Forum meeting this past week in Davos, Switzerland, and the controversy surrounding this economic philosophy.
AGs Pressure Advisory Firms to Ditch ESG
January 19, 2023
Proxy advisory firms received a letter from twenty-one state attorneys general providing evidence of the firms possible violations of their fiduciary duty concerning their use of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) criteria while issuing counsel to state investment agents.
Moore: Biden's New ESG Investment Rule Puts Retirement Savings in Jeopardy
January 18, 2023
Expert and Author Stephen Moore explores how President Biden’s Labor Department’s new rule allowing retirement fund managers to select stocks of companies based on their positions on social and environmental issues (ESG), not on which companies give the best return on investment puts citizens retirement savings in danger.