Business & Human Rights

  • Canadian, UK Courts Adopt New Theories on Foreign Suits

    July 17, 2019

    The Financial Post reports that courts in Canada and the UK are increasingly warming to legal theories permitting them to hold parent companies liable for the alleged human rights violations of their foreign subsidiaries, given a certain level of involvement by the parent in the affairs of the subsidiary.

  • Shareholders Turn to Disclosure Rules to Force Climate Action

    July 17, 2019

    The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre’s most recent bulletin on corporate legal accountability focuses on the growing, global movement among shareholders to file lawsuits accusing companies of providing false or misleading information about the threats climate change poses to their operations.

  • Activist Opposes New EU Investment Court System

    July 17, 2019

    Lora Verheecke of Friends of the Earth Europe highlights the broad opposition among environmental activist organizations to the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system and to a new Investment Court System the EU plans to insert in future trade deals, saying both dispute settlement systems merely “foster corporate greed.”

  • UN Agent: “Extractivism” Perpetuates Racial Inequality

    July 10, 2019

    UN Special Rapporteur on racial inequality and discrimination E. Tendayi Achiume has accused transnational oil, gas, and mining corporations of perpetuating human rights violations against racial minorities in post-colonial countries.

  • NGOs Allege Lack of Compliance with French “Vigilance” Law

    July 10, 2019

    Nongovernmental organizations Sherpa and Terre Solidaire have developed a list of French companies they believe are subject to the country’s “duty of vigilance” law, finding that approximately one-quarter of these companies have not published reports on addressing rights impacts and lamenting the lack of a national monitoring mechanism.

Total Records: 3569
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