Business & Human Rights

  • Cities, NGOs: Total Violates French “Duty of Vigilance” Law

    June 26, 2019

    14 cities and 4 nongovernmental organizations have threatened litigation against French energy company Total for allegedly failing to comply with a new French law imposing a “duty of vigilance” on companies by declining to publicly report how it plans to address its impacts on climate change.

  • Researchers Highlight Rise of Shareholder Climate Litigation

    June 26, 2019

    Researchers from the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre have published a blog post describing a range of legal strategies employed by shareholders seeking to force corporations to report on or address their impacts on global warming or the impacts of global warming on their business.

  • NGO Briefing Catalogs Arguments from Climate Litigation

    June 26, 2019

    The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has published an overview of legal arguments plaintiffs have used in lawsuits claiming companies have violated their obligations to limit contributions to global warming.

  • NGOs Tour Europe to Support Global BHR Treaty

    June 26, 2019

    An article by International Union for Conservation of Nature describing a European tour of African and Asian nongovernmental organizations in support of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) highlights the pressure NGOs are placing on European governments to back the development of a global, legal BHR framework.

  • NGO Pushes Switzerland on Due Diligence in Agricultural Trade

    June 26, 2019

    Investigative nongovernmental organization Public Eye has called on the Swiss government to play a larger role, through regulation of and the imposition of human rights due diligence mandates on traders of agricultural products in Switzerland, to address human rights issues in global agricultural supply chains.

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