Business & Human Rights

  • EU Evaluates Rights in Cambodia with Eye to Future Trade

    June 19, 2019

    The European Commission and European External Action Service recently sent observers to evaluate the level of respect for a range of rights in Cambodia as part of the EU institutions’ determination whether to continue its preferential trading relationship with the country.

  • Canadian Court Will Hear Case on Guatemala Mining Subsidiary

    June 19, 2019

    The Narwhal reports that a case in a British Columbia court against a Canadian mining company over its subsidiary’s alleged human rights violations in Guatemala is one example of plaintiffs currently testing the limits of Canadian courts’ jurisdiction over corporate subsidiaries’ conduct in foreign countries.

  • Network Pushes for “Multistakeholder Collaboration” on BHR Issues

    June 19, 2019

    GBI, a network of corporations that pledge to respect the global business and human rights (BHR) agenda, has published a call for companies to engage in “multistakeholder collaboration,” including with nongovernmental organizations, to address BHR problems.

  • Swiss Parliament Debates Responsible Business Initiative

    June 19, 2019

    Swissinfo reports on a standoff between the upper and lower houses of the Swiss Parliament over a Responsible Business Initiative that would impose legal liability on Swiss businesses for alleged human rights and environmental impacts in other countries.

  • EC Introduces Guidelines for Corporate Climate Reporting

    June 19, 2019

    The European Commission (EC) has published guidelines on how businesses should publicly report their climate impacts as well as the impacts of the climate on their operations under the bloc’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive and welcomed the publication of three reports from an expert EU group on ramping up “sustainable finance.”

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