Business & Human Rights

  • World Bank Issues “Sustainable” Bond on Food Waste

    June 05, 2019

    New Sustainable Development Bonds issued by the World Bank and finance company Okasan Securities to fund projects aimed at combating food waste illustrate the growing ecosystem of such green financial instruments seeking to implement the UN’s broad “sustainable development” agenda.

  • UN Official: Carbon Markets Are “Crucial” in Stopping Climate Change

    June 05, 2019

    Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Patricia Espinosa pointed to international carbon markets, through which corporations pay for the greenhouse gas emissions they produce, as “absolutely crucial” in stabilizing global temperatures.

  • UN Initiative Calls for Corporate Action on “Ocean Health”

    June 05, 2019

    The UN Global Compact business network has published a report calling on companies to address “the rapid deterioration of ocean health” by implementing international ocean regulations in keeping with the comprehensive UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Governments Agree Roadmap for Corporate Tax Negotiation

    June 05, 2019

    Countries involved with the OECD and G20’s Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) have agreed a roadmap for the negotiation of a global deal aimed at ensuring that multinational companies pay a minimum level of tax.

  • Fashion Brands Agree to Implement Short-Term Contract Ruling

    June 05, 2019

    Reuters reports that global fashion brands Levi’s, H&M, and Gap have agreed to attempt to force one of their suppliers to implement a ruling by an arbitration council requiring the supplier to replace the short-term contracts it had struck with 408 workers in Cambodia with permanent arrangements.

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