Business & Human Rights

  • US Rejects Binding UN Deal on Plastic Waste

    May 15, 2019

    AP reports that the US government was one of the few in the world that declined to sign a legally binding UN deal committing countries “to monitor and track movements of plastic waste outside their borders” and thus places burdens on companies to ensure accountability for the global shipping of plastics.

  • Dutch NCP Alleges Failings in Broad Review of Energy Sector

    May 08, 2019

    In its first-ever “sector scan” of companies operating in the Dutch energy industry, the Dutch National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises alleged that these businesses are failing to adhere to global human rights and environmental standards and calls for government “consequences” for reporting failures.

  • UN Official Announces Initiative on Rights in Tech Industry

    May 01, 2019

    Following her recent visit to Silicon Valley, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet called for greater regulation of the tech industry and announced that her office will launch a project pushing internet companies to implement the UN human rights agenda in their corporate practices.

  • UN Rights Observers Criticize London Market Development Plan

    May 01, 2019

    A group of UN human rights mandate holders has warned that a UK plan to redevelop London’s indoor Seven Sisters market threatens international human rights norms protecting the “cultural rights” of minority residents and merchants in the primarily Latin American neighborhood.

  • India Announces Development of BHR Action Plan

    May 01, 2019

    Responding to India’s pledge to create a National Action Plan on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR), the UN Working Group on BHR issues called on Indian officials to maintain an “inclusive consultation process” and pursue a plan that furthers the UN’s “sustainable development” agenda.

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