Business & Human Rights

  • US Judge: Officials Must Consider Climate Impacts of Drilling

    April 29, 2019

    The Guardian reports that a federal US judge has temporarily stopped drilling projects authorized on public land by the Trump Administration because officials failed to take into account the “climate change impacts of oil and gas leasing” in their analysis of the policy change.

  • Report Examines Corporate BHR Due Diligence Mandates

    April 29, 2019

    The Global Business Initiative on Human Rights and law firm Clifford Chance have published a briefing examining how corporations should set up “human rights due diligence processes” and reporting mechanisms to ensure their compliance with legal and regulatory requirements shaped by the business and human rights (BHR) agenda.

  • Law Firm “Peer Learning Process” Seeks BHR Engagement

    April 29, 2019

    Law firms participating in the Law Firm Business and Human Rights (BHR) Peer Learning Process have published a summary report of their 2018 activities seeking increased engagement among law firms with BHR developments and demonstrating efforts to embed the BHR agenda into firms’ advice and operations.

  • EU Agency Welcomes Addition of Climate Impacts to Corporate Reporting Rules

    April 29, 2019

    The European Securities and Markets Authority has praised the European Commission’s proposal to include in non-binding Guidelines on corporate non-financial reporting a supplement on “climate-related disclosures” and issued a set of recommendations on further ways to improve the quality of EU businesses’ non-financial disclosures.

  • EC Hosts Meeting on Global Finance for SDGs

    April 26, 2019

    In March, the European Commission (EC) hosted a conference with the aim of developing a strategy on building a “coherent international financial system that supports channelling private capital towards” projects that comply with the comprehensive objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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