Business & Human Rights

  • Corporate Initiative Requires Disclosure of Fashion Suppliers

    April 23, 2019

    Under pressure from activist organizations to do more to advance “human rights due diligence” among companies, the Fair Labor Association, a group of universities, NGOs, and businesses that pledge to adhere to global labor standards, has agreed to require adhering fashion brands to publicly disclose their list of suppliers.

  • NGO Seeks Court’s Respect for Global Environmental Rights

    April 15, 2019

    Illustrating the ways in which activist organizations have sought to embed human rights in the regulation of businesses’ environmental impacts, Human Rights Watch has called on the Supreme Court of Chile to respect international standards on the right to a “pollution-free environment” in deciding a case on air pollution.

  • Canada Appoints Watchdog on “Responsible Enterprise”

    April 10, 2019

    The CBC reports that the Canadian government has announced the appointment of an “ombudsperson for responsible enterprise” but has disappointed activist groups by not specifying the scope of the powers granted to the new office to investigate alleged corporate human rights violations committed abroad.

  • EU Report Seeks Expanded Remedies for Corporate Action Abroad

    April 10, 2019

    A group of academics has produced a report for the European Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Human Rights seeking to identify barriers to access to European courts by alleged victims of human rights abuses by EU-based companies and proposing, in response, significantly expanded due diligence requirements and judicial remedies for extraterritorial conduct.

  • NGO: Business Activity in Israeli Settlements Violates UNGPs

    April 04, 2019

    An Amnesty International report asserts that any business activity in or with the Israeli settlements in “occupied” Palestinian territory violates the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and calls on businesses to conduct due diligence to ensure they are not contributing to “war crimes” in these settlements.

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