Business & Human Rights

  • Standard Setting Organizations Collaborate on SDG Reporting

    March 07, 2019

    A group of international corporate reporting standard setters, including the Global Reporting Initiative, has published a position paper describing how they plan to cooperate on standards pushing companies to disclose their impacts on the 169 targets included in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • CoE Conference Seeks Rights Focus in AI Development

    March 07, 2019

    The Council of Europe (CoE) and the Finnish government recently hosted a conference on artificial intelligence in Helsinki, concluding in a set of recommendations aimed at the development of AI in a “human-centric manner” and in compliance with the international human rights agenda.

  • NGOs Lament Lack of Action Under French “Vigilance” Law

    March 07, 2019

    A group of nongovernmental organizations has published a report criticizing the French government for failing to enforce meaningfully the country’s “duty of vigilance” law requiring companies to disclose plans for monitoring their supply chains to prevent human rights abuses.

  • UNESCO Targets “Humanistic” Development of AI

    March 07, 2019

    The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recently hosted a conference promoting a “humanistic” vision for the development of artificial intelligence that seeks to embed “universally recognized rights and values” into AI technologies.

  • UN Agency: People Must Change Diets to Achieve SDGs

    March 07, 2019

    The UN Environment Programme is calling for a global transformation of farming techniques and a shift in people’s diets to promote “human health and environmental sustainability,” demonstrating the extensive and personal reach of both the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris climate accord.

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