Business & Human Rights

  • CoE Official Calls for Application of Rights Standards to AI

    March 05, 2019

    Council of Europe (CoE) Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović recently delivered a speech in which she called for robust state regulation to ensure companies that develop or use artificial intelligence (AI) do so in compliance with international human rights standards.

  • Supermarket Works with Oxfam on “Due Diligence” Policy

    March 04, 2019

    A press release from Oxfam’s Dutch arm applauds, with some reservations, Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heijn for working with the activist organization to form a “human rights and due diligence policy” recognizing that the company is “part of the problem” in not ensuring an appropriate income and conditions for workers in its supply chain.

  • Australian Company Responds to Pressure on Coal Output

    March 04, 2019

    The Sydney Morning Herald reports that, in response to pressure from activist shareholders, Australia’s largest coal mining company Glencore has announced a cap in its global output of coal to help meet global pledges under the UN’s Paris climate accord.

  • Asian Countries Move to Implement BHR Agenda

    March 04, 2019

    Melissa Chong of the nongovernmental organization Corporate Citizenship writes that plans in countries like Thailand and India to develop national guidelines on implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR) could portend a shift toward corporate supply chain BHR due diligence across Asia.

  • UN Body Requires Climate Reporting from Investors

    March 01, 2019

    The UN Principles for Responsible Investment, a body that pushes investors to abide by a set of ethical principles, has announced it will require investors who are signatories to report beginning in 2020 on how they are considering the risks of climate change in their portfolios.

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