Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Project: EU Companies Fail to Report “Meaningful” Data

    February 13, 2019

    The Alliance for Corporate Transparency has published a report finding that European companies are largely failing to disclose “meaningful” social and environmental information in compliance with the EU Non-financial Reporting Directive, including by failing to describe their “human rights due diligence system.”

  • EU Report Predicts Varying Economic Results from Climate Action

    February 13, 2019

    The EU’s Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions has published a report forecasting a 1.1 percent GDP boost for the EU caused by a transition to a low-carbon economy by 2030 under the UN’s Paris climate accord and predicting a 3.4 percent drop in GDP for the US over the same period.

  • Spanish, EU Banks Partner on Credit Lines for Green Projects

    February 13, 2019

    Spanish financial services company CaixaBank has partnered with the European Investment Bank to extend credit lines totaling up to €30 million for projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the UN’s Paris climate agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.

  • EC Launches Procedure on Removing Cambodian Trade Preferences

    February 12, 2019

    Facing pressure from NGOs across Europe to perform more stringent monitoring of human rights and business impacts in the markets of EU trade partners, the European Commission (EC) is launching a process that could suspend its trade deal with Cambodia if the country fails to show it is respecting “core human rights and labour rights.”

  • CoE Publishes Handbook on BHR Rules in Europe

    February 11, 2019

    The Council of Europe (CoE) recently published a handbook by Claire Methven O’Brien of the nongovernmental organization Danish Institute for Human Rights informing legal practitioners regarding business and human rights (BHR) laws and standards applicable in Europe.

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