Business & Human Rights

  • UK Lawmakers Rank Fashion Retailers' “Sustainability” Efforts

    February 06, 2019

    The BBC reports that the UK Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee has ranked fashion retailers on their commitment to reducing their negative social and environmental impacts and on their involvement in initiatives aimed at achieving “sustainability” in the clothing industry.

  • EC Applauds Companies' Response to “Hate Speech”

    February 05, 2019

    Fortune reports that the European Commission (EC) is applauding the response of internet companies to EU pressure, through a code of conduct backed up by the threat of regulation, to crack down on “illegal hate speech” on their platforms by evaluating increasing levels of “suspect content” within 24 hours of users reporting it.

  • Article Highlights BHR Impact in Asia

    February 05, 2019

    Melissa Chong of the organization Corporate Citizenship describes a “rising tide” of corporate human rights due diligence regulations, with a particular focus on supply chains in Asia, and considers the potential global impact of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR).

  • NGO Calls on Development Institutions to Push for Rights Protection

    February 05, 2019

    Asmara Klein of the Natural Resource Governance Institute echoes the calls by advocates of the business and human rights agenda for lenders to use their leverage to press for rights protection in an article pushing international financial institutions to condition their loans on government respect for civil and political rights.

  • EU Agency Proposes Broad Ban on Microplastics

    February 05, 2019

    The Guardian reports that the European Chemicals Agency has proposed EU legislation banning microplastics that manufacturers intentionally add to products - representing about 90 percent of such microplastic pollutants.

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