Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Seek UN Review of Corporate Anti-Activist Lawsuits

    January 31, 2019

    A nongovernmental organization “task force” called Protect the Protest has issued a call for the UN Human Rights Committee, as part of the body’s review of US compliance with UN human rights treaties in March, to investigate what it says is a growing trend of corporate lawsuits aimed at “silencing” social and environmental activists.

  • Commission Seeks Treaty to Combat Food Industry Influence

    January 30, 2019

    A Commission on Obesity formed by medical journal Lancet has called for a global treaty aimed at excluding food and beverage companies from the formation of nutrition policies and seeks the reshaping of the industry to pursue healthy and environmentally friendly objectives in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • NGO: Companies Must Directly Implement CSR in Operations

    January 25, 2019

    Reviewing Indian legislation on corporate social responsibility (CSR), the nongovernmental organization Corporate Responsibility Watch warns that CSR, when considered as a complement to rather than an essential component of corporate operations, “will have limited contribution in realising social, environmental and ethical business practices.”

  • NGO: “Shareholder Supremacy” Threatens Future of Work

    January 25, 2019

    The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has issued a statement welcoming the International Labour Organization’s publication on necessary government measures to address the “future of work” but warning the proposals fail to tackle companies’ “obsessive fixation on creating profit for shareholders.”

  • ILO Body Seeks Global Governance to Address Employment Challenges

    January 25, 2019

    The International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Global Commission on the Future of Work has issued a report seeking a global governance system aimed at protecting workers’ rights in light of technological developments in the workplace and calling for a reform of businesses’ focus on short-term financial success.

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