Business & Human Rights

  • Report Seeks More Precise Regulation of Corporate Rights Impacts

    January 16, 2019

    A group of nongovernmental organizations has commissioned a report aggregating research on costs to businesses of failing to implement a human rights “due diligence” regime and calling for “a more precise regulation of corporate responsibility” to prevent negative business impacts on human rights.

  • FIFA Weighs in on Bahrainian Extradition Case

    January 16, 2019

    Under pressure from activist groups, on the basis of the organization’s human rights policy, to intervene in the case of a Bahrainian soccer player detained in Thailand for extradition to his home country, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) has called for relevant authorities to permit the player’s return to Australia.

  • GRI Establishes Corporate Community on “Sustainability” Reporting

    January 16, 2019

    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has established a GRI Community that will serve as a collaborative network of corporations, nongovernmental organizations, and “sustainability leaders” to support “peer-to-peer learning” among businesses to advance reporting on their efforts to embed the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their operations.

  • WEF Report Seeks Cut in Meat Production to Fulfill SDGs

    January 16, 2019

    A recent report from the World Economic Forum (WEF) asserts that the transformation of the food industry in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), mostly by limiting the production of meat, would save millions of lives and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

  • EC Sets out Draft Rules on “Sustainable” Investment Advice

    January 16, 2019

    Earlier this month, the European Commission (EC) published draft rules, which will go into effect upon the EU’s adoption of financial disclosure provisions on social and environmental issues, setting out how financial companies should consider the UN’s “sustainable development” agenda when advising clients on their investments.

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