Business & Human Rights

  • Activists Question Effectiveness of Draft BHR Treaty

    December 17, 2018

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) consultant Marta Piazza writes that activists are critiquing the “Zero Draft” of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) recently produced by a UN working group for its largely indirect effect on companies and minimal action on corporate dispute settlement systems under existing trade agreements.

  • NGOs Seek Resource Redistribution Through “Climate Justice Movement”

    December 14, 2018

    A press release from Greenpeace illustrates the expanding use by the so-called “Climate Justice Movement” to file lawsuits against corporations and governments around the world demanding policy changes to combat global warming and the redistribution of funds to redress alleged rights violations caused by a changing climate.

  • NGO Sues Canada over Violation of Climate Rights

    December 14, 2018

    Environmental activist organization ENvironnement JEUnesse has announced a class-action lawsuit on behalf of everyone in Quebec under age 35 alleging that the Canadian government’s failure to clamp down on corporate greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming violates their fundamental rights.

  • NGOs Seek EU Action on Investors’ “Sustainability” Reporting

    December 14, 2018

    A group of nongovernmental organizations recently published a letter to the EU Council calling for the body of EU member states to help clarify and expand the duties of investors in Europe to engage in due diligence and reporting of impacts of their funds on the global “sustainability” and climate change agenda.

  • Oxfam Seeks EU Digital Tax that Delivers on “Tax Justice”

    December 14, 2018

    A press release from activist organization Oxfam pushes EU member states to agree to a “digital services tax” that would force tech companies to pay a minimum level of tax to fund social goals across Europe, warning that current proposals for the digital tax are “a blow for tax justice.”

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