Business & Human Rights

  • Companies See Rise in Social-Activist Shareholder Resolutions

    December 07, 2018

    Joe Williams of the Washington Examiner writes that social-activist organizations are increasingly adopting a strategy of buying shareholder status at major companies to force businesses to respond to resolutions pursuing these activists’ social and environmental agendas.

  • Oxfam Calls on Companies to Adapt Strategies to Achieve SDGs

    December 07, 2018

    The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has published a discussion paper finding that, on the whole, 76 global companies the paper examines have not done enough to adapt their “sustainability” strategies to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • WSJ Explains Voter Unrest over Carbon Taxation

    December 05, 2018

    The Wall Street Journal has published an editorial arguing that tax hikes targeting businesses and individuals with higher energy costs in the name of the global climate change agenda are at odds with the priorities of most voters and are bound to cause more popular unrest like the “Yellow Vest” riots in Paris.

  • Energy Companies Agree to BHR Assessments of Suppliers

    December 05, 2018

    Hydrocarbon Engineering reports that energy companies BP, Equinor, Shell, and Total have agreed to create an “industry framework” on conducting due diligence to ensure the compliance of their suppliers with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR).

  • NGO Paper Seeks Standardization of Climate Risk Disclosure

    December 05, 2018

    A report published in September by the Centre for International Governance Innovation offers policy recommendations on how global actors could help standardize international rules for the disclosure of climate-related risks in the financial sector.

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