Business & Human Rights

  • Reports Seek BHR Due Diligence in Development of AI

    December 03, 2018

    A series of reports recently published by business and human rights (BHR) advocates push for businesses to implement a framework of BHR due diligence requirements, in line with the UN Guiding Principles on BHR, when developing and using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

  • World Bank Launches Sustainable Development Notes

    November 30, 2018

    The World Bank recently announced that, in partnership with UBS, it would issue “sustainable development notes” that would underwrite risks taken by investors financing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals in line with the principles of the UN Global Compact business network and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Activist Seeks Removal of UK Barriers to Foreign Lawsuits

    November 30, 2018

    In a recent article, William Meade of the Corporate Responsibility (CORE) Coalition argues that the UK should clarify its legal regime to ensure that claimants can successfully sue parent companies in British courts for the alleged human rights violations of their subsidiaries in foreign countries.

  • UN Body Proposes Implementation Mechanisms for BHR Treaty

    November 30, 2018

    The UN Working Group on business and human rights (BHR) issues has created a draft protocol for potential adoption by national governments requiring them each to establish a National Implementation Mechanism to investigate and oversee compliance with a proposed BHR treaty.

  • OECD Contact Point Receives Complaint over Coffee Production in Brazil

    November 30, 2018

    OECD Watch reports that a nongovernmental organization and a union recently filed a complaint with the Brazilian national contact point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises pushing for mediation with a group of food and coffee companies to resolve alleged poor treatment of workers in their supply chains.

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